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"why the hell did i just hear strangled screams from jen's and i phone call?" nate looks at his phone confused as the line hung up.

"she's probably upset," gilinsky shrugs, taking a sip of whatever was in his solo cup. he and swazz made up.

"you did play her."

"but it sounded off. sounded like she was in pain," nate says, but gilinsky was already off dancing with madison.

three hours.

it's been three hours since nate's phone call with jen and waiting for her there at the lowkey party that ended up having fifty plus.

"why aren't you up and dancing?" swazz asks, already drunk off his ass. "this is a party."

"jen," nate slowly says, "i'm waiting for jen."

"you'll be waitin' forever then," swazz then finds a girl who was eyeing him, going over to her swiftly.

nate already tried calling about more than a hundred times and left so many voicemails that her box had been reached to the maximum capacity.

why was she ignoring me this harshly? he thought. i didn't mean to break her heart.

IMESSAGES | NATE MALOLEY {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now