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jay i miss you

me oh?

jay let me get a second chance

jay ill prove to you im better than that

me prove ? lmao u funny

jay jen

jay and im sorry about what happened

jay with the whole car scenario

jay couldnt go see you because soccer practice

me wow ok

jay so is it a yes? no?

me let me think about it

jay alright

me you should already know the answer

jay ?

me i don't like sleeping on things, or thinking constantly about things. i like to handle stuff immediately

jay okay ?

me so obviously u know nothing about me

me soooo no.

me :)

jay why

me what

jay why no?

jay i'm popular, good looking, a fucking genius, and overall a good package.

me ur so cocky it's making me want to cry

me go tell the girls @ the stripper club that

jay that was a mistake

me yah k

me bye & fuck u

jay :/

// highkey sick

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