41 + ask q's for q&a w/ characters

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pussy's r cool groupchat //

swazz nate... i am so fucking sorry

nate me too.

gilinsky ?

swazz jen

gilinsky what

swazz shes in the hospital

gilinsky whoa what happened?!?

nate i made her crash her car

swazz u. did. not.

nate YES I DID.

swazz you did not. stop blaming yourself

nate if i never called her she wouldnt be where she is

nate she wasn't even surprised when she saw me in the hospital. she looked more disappointed

gilinsky yeah i got something to say...

derek hey guys sorry im here

derek what did you do...

nate ^?

gilinsky i told jen earlier....

gilinsky like early early

swazz kicked out gilinsky

swazz he's gone.


cutting this chapter short to do a q&a for the characters!!!

if you haven't read OYN, [i also did a q&a there], basically you guys comment questions on the name line and there will be a chapter dedicated to just the q&a with the characters answering how they would in this book.

so, comment away!!! this chapter will be in the future, comment as many times as you like.






MADISON [small character but will be placed in the story shortly]

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