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what the fuck?

nate maloley just kissed me.

first, i didn't respond-only until jack gilinsky whistled in the background, "i have a guest room upstairs, if you guys wanna i don't know. wanna get freaky!"

as we begun to make out with my hands tangled in his hair, nate pried away as we both were breathing heavily. "stay safe in Mexico," i wink before getting out his grasp, walking towards the front door of jack's house.

"why won't you stay?" nate asks.

"this is my house, bro," gilinsky interrupts. "no but yeah, stay jen."

"i got math homework," i chuckle, waving to the both of them as i exited the house.

but little did they know, i was now talking to swazz.

// honestly stories don't have plot twists and i feel like this book should end differently than just wowowo they end up together, ya know?

i'm such an ass, so many of u guys like PM'd me a while ago sayin y'all wanna join a gc and I STILL HAVENT MADE IT AJEKDODOB IM MAKING IT TONIGHT FOR SURE SO U BETTER PM ME UR NUMBER SO WE CAN GET LITTTTTT

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