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as nate and i awkwardly had a side conversation and i finished the chipotle he bought me, we got down to business.

"we should do a topic about black lives matter," i suggest, "that means a lot of you, and i hope you too."

"for sure," nate nods, "important to me too, hundred percent."


once an hour past, we became less tense with eachother as we started to laugh more and talk less about work, and more about eachother.

"i still can't believe to this day your favorite color is orange," i giggle.

"orange is a pretty color," nate argues.

"it's really not. it's odd."

"you're odd for liking pizza and ranch."

"that's not odd!"

his hand was on my thigh as we were both mildly close to eachother.

within minutes later, we stopped laughing and just stared at eachother.

until, nate placed his lips onto mine.

our lips were in sync as his hands moved to my waist as mine wrapped around his neck, we were making out.

only until the doorbell scared us.

derek was here.

// it annoys me how some people still to this day don't understand black lives matter

IMESSAGES | NATE MALOLEY {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now