sequel? new book? // answered questions

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i'm getting questions in my inbox asking if i'm making a sequel, what exactly was even the ending, and does jen end up with nate?

am i making a sequel for this book?

no. i am not making a sequel for this book due to that i feel like i would be dragging the story along, which i don't like. [just like how i dragged my other book, bend over, a lot]

what exactly was the ending?

the ending was jen got his number and then she pretended to be a blocked number. she texted nate "what's good up in the hood" because that was the VERY first thing he texted her. [go back to chapter 1 to see]. if that makes any sense.

does jen end up with nate?

honestly,,, u can believe whatever you want! that's the ending. you get to decide. in my head, i believe later on they would get close and close until something happens. but remember they both have children, soooOoOooO

on that note, here are the frequently asked questions. if you want more "texting" books from me, they are on my profile;) i just posted a new one called "KIK" featuring daddy luh.

thank you&love you


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