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blocked # whatcha doin

me homework.

blocked # cool.

blocked # how abt u do me?

me i wouldnt even if we were the two last people on the planet

blocked # i got abs

me so

blocked # im funny

me so

blocked # i got a 12 incher

me hahahahahaha k

me but anyways

me so

blocked # basically i got good looks, i got one hell of an attitude and im fucking perfect

me u dont have a 12 incher thats for sure

blocked # i probably exaggerated just a lil

me just a lil? ur prob 3 inch

blocked # whoaaa that's offensive

me why are we talking about ur dick again

me oh yeah u brought it up

blocked # what? i was talking about my shoe size

blocked # but hey if u wanna talk abt my dick then let's do it

me bye

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