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as i was writing down notes in language arts, mrs harley then announced a project.

eyeing nate's empty seat, i groaned as i prayed that i didn't have to work with him.

i only knew nate in this class. majority of this class i didn't even know their first names.

"but for this project, you guys will be able to choose your own partners-" mrs harley says as the class begins to talk, eyes were squinting to the other person they were going to work with.

i slouch in my seat.

"you guys must present something that is equally important to you both and states facts, and some of your opinions to why it's important." she smiles, "now, everyone stand and find your partners."

i don't bother standing, since i knew i wasn't going to be working with any of them, really. i try to reach out to a girl with red locks and green eyes, but she doesn't hear me, but squeal as she goes over to a girl, excited that they were partners.

once everyone was settled, mrs harley asked if everyone had a partner, i raised my hand.

"nate will be here tomorrow, you will work with him," mrs harley nods.

"do i have to?" i impatiently ask, "i don't-"

"he's the only one left, so yes. yes, you do."

"can i just be in a group-"

"unless you want a zero, you'll working with nate."

she smiles, leaving me rolling my eyes, beginning to think about ideas for our topic.

// !!! love u gusyyysysys like insta almost 100k, sus got 1k in less than a week, and this book just hit 20k last night. ❤️❤️

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