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i was okay.

alright, even.

as i woke up, my whole body was in pain. i felt like puking, it hurt so fucking much.

"you're going to be alright," the nurse smiles at me, making me feel a bit better that at least someone else was in a better state than myself.


"you need rest, sh, sh, sh," the nurse whispers, you're going to be alright, okay? that's all you need-"

"she has a visitor," a male pops his head into our room, holding a clipboard with blue scrubs on. "goes by the name, nate maloley?"

"she needs to rest, tell him it would be a better time later-"

my eyes bug out of their sockets. he came.

"send him in," i ignore the nurse as she purses his lips as she looked down at me. "i'll be asleep right after he leaves, i promise."

the nurse smiles before leaving swiftly, then came in nate.

he was a complete wreck.

his brown chocolate hair going in different directions as his eyes were too puffy for me to even see his brown eyes. his face red with his clothes jagged.

"jen," he croaks, "i-i am so, so, so, fucking sorry-"

"save it," i hushed, closing my eyes as i winced from the pain. "you didn't fucking care about me while making that idiotic blocked number."

"because i didn't want you to see the real me! i'm a wreck okay?" he breaks down. "i'm just a fucked up druggie who can't do shit to please someone. but i want to please you."


"and i love you, jen. i'm saying it. i love you, jennifer leah tucker. i. love. you."

in all happy endings, we all know what usually happens is that i would forgive him and i would say i loved him back, sob, sob, sob.

but that wasn't the case.

"i think you should go," i simply say, closing my eyes as i heard his soft whimpers as he didn't say anything, but exit out the door.

// if you haven't checked out sus groupchat yet [my new book] ur really missin out lmao

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