Highschool JG

734 14 9

Freshman year
Your POV
I look down at my schedule and sigh. Why did we have to move half way through the school year. I close my locker and turn around. Room 116 shouldn't be that hard to find.

But of course as soon as I start walking I run into someone, causing me to fall. "I'm sorry," the person says helping me up. "It's fine," I say looking up to see blue eyes. "I'm Johnnie." "(Y/n). Hey Johnnie do you know where room 116 is?" "Yeah I'm headed there, follow me."

He goes to his seat just before the bell rings. The teacher smiles at me," Class we have a new student, (y/n)." They turn to me. I wave shyly. "(Y/n) you can sit by Johnnie." He waves from the back of the room. I walk over to where he's sitting and sit down.

Time skip- it's now May 20 (almost last day)

"Johnnie!" I call knocking on his bedroom door, "you take forever to get ready. We need to leave."

He walks out of his room. "Bye Mom." "Bye Ms. Guilbert!" "Bye hon. Bye (Y/n)!"

We walk to school with music blaring in our ears. We enter the building and he hands me my earbud back. We go our separate ways , to our lockers. I grab my stuff for class and close it. I turn around to see Johnnie.

Time skip- 5:30

I sigh. They've been fighting for two hours. My phone dings. It's Johnnie.

(J-Johnnie y-you)
J- wanta comb over?
J- come*
Y- please!
J-parents fighting?
Y- I'm amazed you can't hear them down the street.
J- wanta stay over tonight, in the guest room?
Y- awwww I wanted to stay in the kitchen!
Y- but yeah I'd like that.
J- see you soon! 😝
Y- see chu!

I pack a bag before leaving. My parents don't notice but I leave a note saying I'm at a friend's. I walk to his house.

I knock and Ms. Guilbert answers. "Hey (Y/n)." "Hi!" "Johnnie's upstairs." I bounce up the stairs and throw myself on the bed beside him. "Hey (n/n)." "Hey Guilbert."

He turns to look at me propping himself up on his elbows. "What's up?" "Nothing much. I'm at some losers house." He flicks my forehead, "love you too." "I really do love you Johnnie. You're the best. I mean it." "Love you too ,(Y/n)." "Have you ever thought about dropping out and running away?" "I've thought about dropping out. Why?" "Just making sure I'm not crazy." He laughs.

Yet another time skip- 4 am

I wake up screaming. Every one in the house runs in the room. "Sorry I had a nightmare." Johnnie's siblings leave. "It's okay honey we all have them." She leaves. Johnnie walks over and sits beside me. "Wanta talk about it?" "Not really." He smiles , "okay."

"Hey Johnnie?" "Hm?" "Remember when I said I loved you?" "Yeah?" I sit up and hug him, "I love you." "I love you too." I sigh, "you don't get it." "Huh?" "I love you." He wraps his arms around me, " I love you too." I smile. "I have a question."

"What might that be?" "Be my girlfriend?" "Yes," I smile, with a nod. He smiles. I lay back down tiredly. He stands up," night." "Johnnie?" "Hmm?" "Stay?" He chuckles before laying down beside me. I cuddle up to him. "Good night ." "Night."

Time skip (heeheehee so many time skips) you're now 20.

"Hey sweetheart?" "Huh?" "Can I talk to you?" "Yeah?" I stand up from from where I was sitting with Bryan, Leah, and Robby.

I walk to our room and he standing there looking nervous. "Yes?" He walks forward and kisses he. I kiss back wrapping my arms around his neck. He's snake around my waist. He pulls away. "I love you." "I love you too."

He gets down on one knee. I gasp. "(Y/f/n), us meeting was by chance, us being friends was by choice, but me falling in love with you was far beyond my control. When we meet I thought I'd only ever see you in class. When I bumped into you walking home I was super excited to know we live on the same street. When we became best friends I was upset I was friend zoned. When you said you loved me I was so happy. We've been together since we were 15, give or take. And I know we have a long life ahead of us. I want you there with me through it. I know this isn't the most romantic but I needed to ask you this asap. So I ask you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?"

I was crying a little, Yes Johnnie! One thousand times yes!" He slides the ring on my finger and stands up. I kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck, again. He wraps his arms around my waist. After about a minute we pull away. I grab his hand, and the two of us walk back into the living room.

Leah gasps, "Congratulations!" I giggle and sit down. "Johnnieee, look at you, manning up," Bryan laughs.

Two years later (I know this is the last one.)

I pace the bathroom with my fingers crossed. We've been trying to get pregnant for a while now. My phone timer goes off and I check the three tests. All positive. Johnnie knocks on the door. "It's open." He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. "I'm not imagining this right?"

I shake my head. I turn around to look at him. "I'm gonna be a dad!" I smile at his out burst. "Yes Johnnie, you're gonna be a dad." He smiles and bends down to my stomach, "hello little one. I'm your daddy. I can't wait to meet you." I smile.

Can life get any better? (It actually does you two had twins.)

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