Fanfictions JG

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You're POV
"Hey guys! It's fanfiction day and I have some lovely friends one was difficult to get here but yeah. And they are," I said starting my video. 

"Jeydon Wale!" "Jordan Sweeto!" "Kyle David Hall !" "And Johnnie Guilbert!" "And today we're reading old fanfics. About them while they were in a collab channel."

I grab my laptop and sign into wattpad. "She has an account for this." "What do you think I do at 3 am?" "You terrifying woman," Kyle laughs. "Ah there's that laugh." "Whatever." "You love me." "Eh Johnnie loves you more than me," Kyle laughs, knowing my feelings for the blue eyed male. "F you. Okay I found one!" "Mde preferences. What?", Jeydon asks confused. "It like boyfriend senerios (I can't spell.) where the writer puts different ideas for all of you in a book."

He nods. "Okay the first one is , 'where he likes to kiss you. Okay so it says; Jeydon, lips. Kyle, Cheek. Jordan, forehead. And Johnnie, nose." "Why does Jeydon's have so many comments?" , Johnnie asks.

I click it. "Oh. Well it's all inappropriate stuff about ... Yeah, " Johnnie mumbles. Jeydon buries his face in my shoulder, "my fans are so weird." "Ehh. I've read worst on other mde preference books, about Kyle and Johnnie." "One, like what? And two, why do you read those." "Like I said 3 am. And the fans over sexualize you guys. You do realize most of your Fanfictions are rated 18+ and they were written before you were 18 right." "Suddenly my hope that my fans aren't all like that is fading."

"Back to the video. This one's called they always. Jeydon, he always holds your hand in public. Jordan, he always takes you to try new things. Johnnie, he always sprays you with his cologne before you leave. And lastly, Kyle, he always kisses you in public."

"I liked that one, kinda," Jordan awes. "Three more and then we'll question you guys," I laugh.

They nod. "Okay this one is called, he leaves for tour. Oh this is one where it uses a girl's name any suggestions?" "Let's just use you." "Me? You could literally put Sailor Moon if you wanted to, but me?" "So you're not changing names for each. "

"Okay. The first one is Johnnie okay let's go! You read first." "Do I have to?"
I nod. "Fine. I wish you could come with us, (Y/n)." "I wish I could go too babe but I mean, I have work and all that so. You then hug Johnnie not really wanting to let go." "I'll see you soon I promise. I'll Skype you every night too. I love you, baby." "Love you too. He kept his promise and Skyped you every night."

"Okay now is Jeydon's. Ready?" He nods, "You sure you can't come with us (Y/n)?" "You know I have work Jey." "But I want you to go!" "Sorry Baby I can't. You hug him not wanting to let go. "I love you baby doll. I'll text you everyday and I'll skype you when I can." "I nod. Okay go have fun with the guys, Jey. And he did text you every day. As soon as he woke up and before he fell asleep."

"Who's next?" , Kyle asks. "You," I laugh. "Let's go!" "Not my Kyle! He smiles before hugging me." "Remember princess it's only one month. I'll text you every day. And when we come here I'll make sure we stop at your house." "I know Kye I just don't want you to leave!" "I don't want to leave you." "I'll see you soon. You say. He wipes a tear off your cheek. Flight 124 is now boarding. He kisses you goodbye before telling you he loves you. He then climbs on the plane turning to wave one more time." "Awe."

"And finally Jordan!" "Yay!" "No they can't take my Yoshi! We pull up at the airport. I hug him before he can get his stuff out the car." "I'll see you in a month Baby girl." "Call me?" "Every night." "Good. I'll see you soon Yoshi." "See you Baby girl."

"Okay the next one is called, what he calls you. Jeydon, baby doll or muffin. Kyle, Princess, because let's face it who doesn't want to be Kyle's princess? Me, I like not being Kyle's princess thank you. Okay back to the story, Jordan, baby girl or pickachu. And lastly, Johnnie, baby or thug pug." "I most likely wouldn't call my girlfriend thug pug."

I shrug, "I didn't write it." "Well duh (Y/n)."

"Okay last one , what you call him. Kyle, Knight , because he calls you Princess. Jordan, Yoshi or baby boy. Jeydon, Spider-Man, Jey, or babby not baby, babby. Johnnie, Babe, puggles or , NOPE!" "What it say?" I turned it to Johnnie. "NOPE!" Kyle laughs, "if you want to know it says," Johnnie covers his mouth.

"With that this is the end of fanfics for today. See you next time. Bye guys!" I turn off the camera before laying down across the guys. "Can we help you?" I shake my head. Jeydon joking pushes me. I stand up and look at Kyle. He nods, you see I told him I was gonna tell Johnnie my feelings after this and well ye. "Hey Johnnie can I talk to you?" "Yeah." We walk to my room and I close the door behind us. "Hey do ummmm Johnnie I really like you. I've had a crush on you since we met and well," he shuts me up by kissing me. I wrap my arms around his neck. His wrap around my waist. Our lips move in sync. After about a minute I pull away. "I like you too (Y/n). Go out with me?" I nod. He leans in again. I do to kissing him again. Not caring when the door opened he didn't either. "(S/n)! (S/n)! (S/n)!" We turn to see the guys. All five of us start laughing. I smile. I love this.

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