Criminal minds JW

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This takes place in my favorite show Jeydon and you are two of the agents and married. The case is (h/c) with (e/c) (females) are showing up dead all one year apart. The first was 18 the most recent was 24.

I sigh as I pull into the parking lot of the Timmonsville  police station. "Babe?" I roll my eyes. "Babe?" "Babe please talk to me." "Dude what the f*** did you do?", Morgan asks. "He asked if I was pmsing." "Because you yelled at me for moving a jar of paint." "That doesn't automatically mean I'm pmsing!" "Well are you?", Reid asks. "Maybe."

  We all get out of the car and Jeydon walks up to me. "Babe I'm sorry." I lean in and kiss him. He wraps his arms around to pull me closer. I wrap mine around his neck, playing with his hair. "Do you forgive me then?" I nod. He walks to the car to quickly fix his hair and I shiver slightly.

He walks over and drapes his suit jacket around me. I giggle,"thanks." "No problem doll," he wraps an arm around me and we walk into the station. "Professional," Morgan whispers. I flick him off behind my back and he laughs.

Hotch introduces us to the sheriff," theses are ssas Jennifer Jaerue, Emily Printiss, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, and Jeydon Wale. Also Doctors (Y/n) Wale and Spencer Reid." The sheriff smiles at Jeydon and I ," Sheriff Jason Black. Pleased to meet you. Though I wish it was under better circumstances."

        Time skip
"Hey Garcia I need your help." "Yes Princess?" "All electrons living in the area off downtown?" "I've got two honey." "The guy would need a house for this do either of them have an apartment?" "Yep that leaves up with Jerome Archer-Alaska. " "Address?" "Already sent it love." "Thanks penny." "It's my job Princess."

We all drive there.  I knock on the front door," Jerome Archer-Alaska? FBI open up!" When he doesn't Morgan kicks the door down.  "We'll take upstairs you stay here." Morgan, Jeydon, Reid and I go up stairs. "Clear." "Clear." "Clear."

"Jerome put the gun down. " I hear three sets of footsteps walk up behind me. "Put the girl down please Jerome." He drops her and I go to pick her up. The man grabs me. "Hey pumpkin," he put the gun to my head. The three guys freeze.

  Reid is the first to take action. "Jerome I need you put your gun down. You don't want to hurt doctor Wale do you? If you put your gun down, we'll put ours down." Jerome lowers his gun, letting it drop to the ground. The guys holster their guns. Reid smiles," Now I need you to let (y/n) go." Jeydon shuffles to his side. Where he has a good shot at Jerome if things go bad. He lets go of me.

I cuff him and push him to Morgan. Jey and I were then at the hostage, Jenna Leon's, side. I helped her up and we walk with her downstairs questioning her. She sits down on the ambulance to be checked out.

  "You need to stop doing that," Jey laughs squeezing my hand. "What my job?" "No putting yourself into dangerous situations." I laugh and peak his lips. "Never."

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