Preferance 1

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What they like most about you.

Jeydon- How excepting you are. You were the first person outside of his family to know he was Transgender.

Jordan- your laugh. He loves to hear you laugh, especially when he makes you laugh. Except when other guys make you laugh. (Jealous Teddy bear alert.)

Shannon- How you stand up for what you believe in. She's never seen you stay quiet while people talk bad about her or anyone. (SHE AND TYLER BROKE UP! 😕)

Alex- how sweet you are. She's never seen you be mean to anyone. Besides her haters.

Johnnie - your  voice. He loves to hear you sing or to sing with you. You have a soft , sweet voice that's just perfect to him.

Kyle- your sense of humor. Even though it does include horrible puns and jokes about him dating his best friend. It's a small price to pay

Pun of the preference: I wasn't going to get a brain transplant but then I changed my mind.

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