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Your POV-

        I woke up to Alex crying. I move to face her and shake her, "Princess? Kitten? Baby? Dollface? Babygirl? Al? Aloox? Alex? Baby? ALEX!" Her eyes flew open. She snatched me into the biggest hug she could. I pull her on my lap,"What's wrong babygirl?" I was rocking her back and forth while playing with her hair.  She tightens her grip on me, burying her face in my neck. "What was it about?"  No reply, just a tighter grip. "Dollface? What was your nightmare about?" She buries her face farther into my neck. "Kitten? Was it about me?" She nods. "Awe Princess. Explain." She shakes her head no. "Baby?I'll get you chocolate milk."  "You left me."  I moveso I can see her face,"Babydoll." 

       She was crying again. "Dollface, that's not gonna happen." "Why? I'm not good enough for you." I stared into her eyes,"No you're not. That's a lie. Alex, you're perfect. Don't lie to yourself baby. I love you." "I love you too." I stood up, holding her. "Where are we going?" "I promised you chocolate milk, did I not?" She giggles,"Oh yeah!" I laugh and sit her on the counter, then turn to the cabinet to grab cups. I walk over to the fridge, grabbing the chocolate milk and apple juice. I pour her milk and my juice. 

  She giggles again as I hand her the glass of milk."What so funny?", I ask leaning on the counter. "Every time  I hear chocolate milk all I can think of is the sweater thing." I laugh at the memory. Alex had both her arms and legs in the arms of her sweater and was rolling around on the floor and hit a side table, causing a glass of chocolate milk to fall on her. Shannon walked in the room tiredly, "Why are you two so loud? Why are you up so early? It's five am." "A, why not? B, Alex had a nightmare." She nods and walks back to her room to sleep. "Night Shan, again." "Night." After we finish our drinks I pick her back up to take her back to bed. 

       She wraps her arms and legs around me,"I can walk! I hate being picked up! Why do you aslways pick me up!?" I giggle," What ever." "No! I said no! This is rapeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." I giggle,"No it's nooooooottttttt." "Whatever," she laughs smiling at me. After carring her to bed and laying her back down, "Bed time." She laughs,"What?" I fall onto the bed beside her, my arm falling around her waist, "Bedddddd timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" "But what if I don't wannaaaaa?" 

   "Alexxxxx, you need sheep." "I need sheep?" "Sleeeeppppp." "Ohhhh sleep. Yeah I don't wanna." "Alex I swear. It's time to sleep." "What if I don't want to sleep?" "But babydoll, you need to sleep." She sighs,"Fine. Can we cuddle?" "Do you want to be little spoon or big spoon?" "Little spoon." We move to the spooning position. I start playing with her hair. "Good night babe." "Good night kitten." She leaned into my touch,"I love you Babe." I smile ,"I love you to babygirl." After about ten minutes she was softly snoring. I fell asleep slighty later, with my arms tightly wrapped around her. 

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