Thanks Mrs. greenway JG

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Okay so you're the most popular girl in school. It's senior year. You're doing that baby project thing. Okay? Also you have a chill dad here who works from home.

I happily walk to my last class. It was my favorite class and we're doing the project I've been waiting for all year. I just hope I get a good partner.

I sit in my seat of Mrs.Greenway's class excitedly. She smiles as the bell rings "okay class do you know what today is?" "Yes Mrs. Greenway," the whole class says.

"Okay class you will get the 'baby' for two weeks. One group of you gets twins! There's a computer within the baby that tells me how well you do. Mishandling is 3% off for one. 6% off for 2 ect. Okay partner time."

I look around and the only guy who looks excited for this is Johnnie. He's a quiet guy in the back of the class. He's 'emo' and gets bullied for it. I absolutely hate it but oh well. No one lets me stop these things.

"Nikki and Gene." Thank god I hate Gene.


"Linds and Jake." Ohh no that poor robot child.

"Brenda and Jason." Brenda seems like she'd be a good mom.

"Emmalyn and Kenmer." Awe Kenmer and his crush. Go you.

"Jordan M. and Jeydon." I feel like they'd be good parents.

"Katie and Jordan S." Oh poor Jordan.

"Hannah and Max." Ehh that does seem to bad. They'd probably get a solid b.

"Brittney and Lucas. TWINS!" Okay the lesbian and Gay guy. Good job Mrs Greenway. And giving them twins?

"And Finally (Y/n) and Johnnie." Yes!

"Please get with your Partners and I'll bring you your child." I get up and walk to the back of the room where Johnnie is sitting alone. My heels clicking on the floor as I do so. I slide into the seat beside him. "Hi."

"Hey. Look if you want I'll take them so you don't have to worry about it." What no. "No honestly I've been waiting for this project all year. I have a makeshift nursery and a car seat in my car and everything." "Really?"

I nod," My dad wants to meet my partner tonight be said if he approved of them they could stay in the guest room," I sheepishly say. He laughs," Sounds cool so um do you want me to ride with you or you gonna give me your number so I can get the address or.." He trails off.

I giggle,"You can ride with me." He nods," let me go tell Kyle I'm not riding with him anymore." I nod as he walks off.

He comes back a few seconds later. As Mrs. Greenway gets to us. "Ah my favorite students," she says smiling before handing me the baby," Here's your baby girl. Pick a name and tell me by the end of class. Feel free to use your phone to find names."

She walks off and I look at the baby which is yet to be turned on,"What should we name you little one?" "I was thinking Daniella," Johnnie says looking at the fake baby I'm holding. "I love it. I was actually thinking the same thing." "So Daniella (l/n)-Guilbert." I nod. "Let's go tell Mrs Greenway." He nods and we get up.

We tell her and she activates the baby. The bell rings and I give her to Johnnie so I can get my bag. I take her back carefully and we walk to his locker so he can get his stuff.

We go to my car and I buckle her into the car seat. He gets in the backseat with her. We talk about the pairings in our class.

We get to my house and Johnnie carefully gets out of the car with the car seat. I hop out of the car and see my dad at the door.

"Hey dad!" "Hey sweetie is this you partner?" "No dad it's obvious my slave. My partner is still in the car ," I say sarcastically," No this is Johnnie Guilbert, my Partner." He laughs quietly," That's my boss's son."

After dinner we set up the next two weeks. I give him my number after we get his stuff," After each shift at night text me the (✔️) black check mark emoji so no one does it to much k?" He nods.

Time skip day 12 (Saturday night 4am)
I sigh as I hear Daniella crying. I go to her nursery and see Johnnie already has her and is walking to her bottle. "Johnnie you got her last time." He shrugs. I grab her bottle and carefully take her from Johnnie. He sits on the actual bed in the room and I sit in the rocking chair.

"Go back to bed Johnnie." He shakes his head. "Why are you so Upsessed with always being there?" "Can I trust you?" I nod. "I lost my dad to Cancer at the age of ten. I know it's just a robot but I want to be there because I never really had a dad. I did but I mean. It's hard to explain." "I understand, I lost my mom the same way at the age of ten(lies I still have my mom. I'll show myself the door.) " He sadly smiles, "You want to know what I just realized?" "Shoot." "She has (h/c) hair and blue eyes." "Mrs Greenway so planned this." He nods. "Now go to bed," I say laying Daniella back down. "By the way Johnnie?" "Yeah?" "You look nice without eyeliner." He blushes , thanks." It's not a lie. He looks hot.

Time skip - when you turn it in.
I sit with Johnnie, my fingers crossed. Johnnie and I really bonded over this project and he doesn't get bullied anymore. Yay!

"Nikki and Gene, 79% C." Not to bad.

"Emmie and Kyle, 95% A." Good job.

"Linds and Jake, 47% F." What did I say? That poor robotic child.

"Brenda and Jason, 89%, B." So close to an A.

"Emmalyn and Kenmer, 94% A." Good job guys.

"Jordan M. and Jeydon, highest score so far, 97% A." I was right they made great parents.

"Katie and Jordan S, 93% A." Okay Jordan 100% did all the work.

"Hannah and Max, 89% B." What did I say? Solid B.

"Brittney and Lucas, in total 95% A." Good job you two.

"And Finally (Y/n) and Johnnie , highest score all year, 100% A. That's nearly impossible how you two did that I'll never know." YESSSSSSSS!!!!

I look at Johnnie and he's so happy it's funny.

Time skip-2022
I bet when Mrs Greenway assigned Johnnie and I as partners she never thought we'd end up here. Me being basically squeezed to death in a hug by him , my husband, after I told him he's gonna be a dad. But then again maybe she did. Thanks Mrs. Greenway.

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