Collab Channel -all Part 1

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I start the camera and sit down. "Hey guys!" Kyle jumps on the couch beside me, "Hey Guys!" Johnnie jumps on the couch on my other side," hey guys!" Alex sits beside Johnnie," Hey guys!" Shannon sits on Kyle's other side," Hey guys!" Andy (Andy Jackson.) sits on the ground in front of me," Hey Guys!"

  Jordan sits on one side of him," Hey guys!" Jeydon sits on his other side," Hey guys we have an announcement." "Jey's right. We have a suprize," Jordan says excitedly. "WE'RE STARTING A COLLAB CHANNEL!", we all scream. "This is my first collab channel and I got to make the name. I'm so excited!", I giggle. "The channel is called Emspo. Go check it out," Andy says. "That's E-M-S-P-O," Shannon clarifies.
"BYE GUYS!", we all scream and I turn off the camera.

"Okay now we just have to make the video for the actual channel," I laugh. I start the camera again and go back to my seat.

   "Hey guys. Welcome to the new channel. This is Emspo." "Hey!," everyone says. "This is our new collab channel and we plan to post every day," I say.

  "But (y/n) there's 8 of us and 7 days in a week," Andy laughs. "You right but on Friday  we're going to have 2 videos." "Hey guys I'm Kyle I'm your Monday person." "Hey I'm Andy I do Tuesday." "Hey I'm Alex and I do Wendsays." "Hey guys I'm Johnnie and have Thursdays." "Hey I'm (y/n) this is Shannon and we're..." "FRIDAYS!" "Hey guys it's Jey Wale and I've got Saturday." "Hey guys I'm Jordan and I've got Sunday." 

  "Yes I'm aware it's Friday, Shannon will post too." "Well we'll all be in it but yeah." "Bye guys!", we yell again."

We then film Shannon's video. We post all the videos. The first one going on all of our channels. With weird editing to start with each person. Then the fun started. We picked the them challenge week for next week.
Time skip- (Andy doesn't have a ending btw)

Kyle ending=
I laugh as Kyle pokes me ," Yes Kyle." "You want to do our challenges together?" "Sure why not." "What's in my mouth challenge?" I freeze for a second," Sure." We get things for both videos and go to my room. "Hello Emspo!" "Hi!" "It's challenge week and we're doing the 'what's in my mouth' challenge." "I'm worried." "Don't be."

  He grabs a scarf and starts tying it around my face. "Okay Item  one." He put something cold to my lips. I jump back. "ICE!" "Yep." "Hey Kyle I have a present for you." "What?" I flip him off. "Rude."

  I giggle "love you friend." "Uh huh yeah sure." I giggle again. I scrunch up my nose as something touches my lips. That better not be what I think that is. "You didn't." "Oh but (Y/n) I did." I can't believe you just put a water filled condom in my mouth. Kyle!" "Love you friend." I flip him off again.

"One more." I part my lips he laughs slightly," Open you mouth a little wider please." I slowly do. He puts something in my mouth. "Bite." My teeth hit something plastic. "A dvd?" "No." "A cd?" "No." "Wait is that my remote?" "Yep." "Okay that was the What's in my mouth challenge. To see (y/n) put stuff in my mouth watch Friday's video." "Bye!"

I take off the blindfold and do the intro for My video. I start tying he scarf/blindfold around Kyle's eyes," duh duh duh... Dun duh dun dun." He laughs slightly, "fifty shades of (ship name)." "But what about your favorite book fifty shades of Kohnnie?" "No." "You know there's a book on that website called fifty shades of Guilbert? It's a Johnnie X reader and it erks me." "Did you read it?" "Do I look like someone who would read something with wipes and chains on the cover?" "You right. "

  "First item." I pick up a lemon and tell him to bite it. He recoils and scrunches up his nose, "ew. Lemon." "Yep." I giggled and grab a Lego figure. I put half of it in his mouth. "Lego?" "Yep." I then pick up a plate and put it in his mouth. "What the? Is that a plate?" "Yep." He laughs. "One more," I whisper before brushing my lips over his. "What?" I put my lips on his, it takes him a couple seconds before realizing I'm kissing him. He kisses back, wrapping his arms around my waist. I wrap mine around his neck. After about a minute I pull away and lean my forehead against his. "Be mine?," he whispers. I nod.

Alex ending =
  "Hey (y/n)  want to do dares?" "That's not a challenge." "We're going to have to guess pop songs to  get a dare." "Oh sure." We tweet for dares before setting up and grabbing Jeydon to play songs.

"Hello Emspo! It's the Aloox and I'm here with the lovely," "(y/n)." "And today we're doing the song challenge. Jeydon, who's off screen will play a pop song. If we get it wrong he picks a dare and we have to do it." I forgot Jeydon's the only one who knows I like Alex. Crap.

"Okay song one." "She's watching the taxi driver pull away." "Waiting for superman!", I shout. He nods. "Alex you have to eat deodorant. " "again?" "Again."

She does and comes back to where we are sitting. "Song two." "Want to play dolly? I'll be Ken if you wanta be Barbie." "Playground," I laugh. "Alex  you have to let (y/n) draw on your face." I get an eyeliner and sit down across from her. I draw a line of hearts down both of her cheek bones. "You're supposed to make her look stupid not tumblr, (y/n)." I shrug.

"Song three." "See you standing over there with your body." "Side to side!", Alex yells. "Okay (y/n) kiss Alex." I pause before looking at a blushing Alex. "You okay with this?", I whisper. She nods. I lean Down, since I'm a little taller, and out lips connect. She kisses back, soon wrapping her arms around my neck. Mine snake around her waist and I pull her closer. We pull away and she leans her forehead on mine. "Be mine?" I whisper. She nods.

Shannon ending=
"Hello Emspo it Shannon and we're doing the blindfolded makeup challenge." I tie the blindfold On Shannon and she starts trying with makeup. At the end I go an idea. While she was trying to find the lip gloss I grab her face and kiss her.

She froze not expecting it but then melted into the kiss. I smile as she wraps her arms around my neck I move one hand from her cheek to her waist. Needless to say we soon were dating.

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