Preferance 3

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When you're with the other five
You two are absolute idiots. Yelling, jumping around, throwing things, laughing, joking. Anything but quiet. Every time you two are at Johnnie and Alex's place they get a noise complaint. Usually from the person to their left... or right... or above them... or below them... or across the hall... basically any where close to them. Oops?

You're throwing things at the other five whilst they try to film videos. It's a miracle you two haven't broken anything yet... oops?

Johnnie is running around the others while you sit with Bobby laughing at them. A lot of the Time Jey and Shannon join you.

You to are very different. If your seven go anywhere you're going somewhere where Shannon, Jeydon, and Jordan while he's going somewhere with Johnnie and Alex. You 100% trust each other and always end up cuddling later.

You to are quite like Jeydon. In which I mean you're loud and obnoxious. But the other four love you three anyway. Just saying... and you didn't hear it from me... they said with out you three they'd ALWAYS be bored.

You too are quiet and cuddling in a corner some where. You're being your protective @$$ self.  Honestly you wonder why she puts up with you.

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