Weddings, Honeymoons, and babies- KDH (Part 2)

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I giggle the next morning as I slip on Kyle's shirt. I'm married. I'm a married woman who is on her honeymoon.  I walk over to the little kitchen and start cooking breakfast. After ten minutes I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, "Morning, Love." "Morning, Baby." He buries his face in my neck,"Would you look at that, I marked you well. No other guys are gonna try to hit on you." I giggle,"Like the Mickey mouse engagement ring and the silver wedding band aren't gonna keep them away." "Guys are subborn, (Y/n)." "I should know, I mean look at who I'm married to." "Say that again." 'Say what again." "That we're married." "Why?" "Because I like hearing you say it." "Well my husband is gonna hear it alot then."  He smiles against my nek,"That's my new favorite word, Wifey." I smile, "I can relate." After breakfast we got dressed and went around the park. That was us all week. Until, I got home and started getting sick. Every morning, then some."(Y/n) were taking you to the doctor." "No!" "(Y/n)." "Fine."  

                                                                                      2 HOURS LATER

I swear, Kyle hasn't stopped smiling since we found out. "Kyle, you seem happy." "Of course I'm happy! I'm gonna be a dad. Aren't you happy?!" "Of course I am. I've always wanted to be a mom. And I couldn't be happier than I am now. We just never  fully got on the topic of kids I guess.I didn't realize you wanted to be a dad." "I didn't either, until they told me you were pregnant, and now I realize it's all I want." 

                                                                                      13 Weeks later

"Kyle!" "What?" "I'm back from the Ultrasound!" He runs downstairs. "What did they say?"I hand him the picture. He looks form it to me and back,"Twins?" I nod. He hugs me just as one of the babies kick. His eyes light up,"One just kicked!" "Yeah they started kicking 5 weeks ago. They've been kicking while you've been gone." "So I missed the first time they kicked?" I nod. He pouts but his eyes light up again as he feels them kick again. "This is magical. It's so weird. But it's so cool!" I smile at his excitement.  "Hey Kye?" "Huh?" "What genders do you want them to be?" "I don't care, why?" "Come on there has to be atleast one gender you want more than the other. I mean we have a chance of getting both genders."   "Having a baby girl mightbe cool, but like I said as look as they're happy I don't care. One could be trans and the other could be gender fluid and as long as they're healthy I one hundred percent wouldn't care." I smile.  "Same." 

                                                                                       7 weeks later 

I smile holding Kyle's hand as we wait for the doctor to  come in the room for my ultrasound. We're supposed to find out the gender of the babies today and he's so excited. Kyle- not the doctor. My doctor walks in and smiles at us, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Hall. Okay so we're gonna find out the gender today. Are you two excited?"  I laugh as he starts putting the cold gel on my stomache, "I am. And I know for a fact Kyle is because it's all  he's been talking about all day."  after a few minutes he turns to us, "Congrats on two healthy baby girls," he hands Kyle the picture, "Here's a wipe to get the geloff your stomach, have a nice day." Kyle has the brightest smile on his face, we're having twin girls (Y/n)!" He says excitedly, while wipping the gel off my stomach for me.

                                                                                   5  and 1 week later 

                                                                                   5  and 1 week later 

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(Same on both sides of the room^)

I smile at kyle, who had one baby in each arm and was talking to them thinking I wasn't in the room. "Hey Princess. Hey babygirl. There's something important I need to tell you.  You aren't allowed to have boyfriends until your sixteen, even though I know guys wil be all over you before then if you look like your mommy. And if you ever cheat on your boyfriends you're grounded. That's not okay. That hurts people. And if anyone cheats on you, I'm gonna hurt them.  Because no one hurts my babies okay." He gets up and lays Lena in her crib before put Emma Rose in her's. Night Princess, Night Babygirl."  

 He then notices me in the door frame,"Hi?" I hug him, kissing his cheek,"Hi." He smiles walking to our room with me.  "I wish for cuddles." I giggle,"Sounds good. Did I tell you you're already an amazing Dad?" He laughs,"And you make an amazing mom."

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