Preference 9

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They get Jealous I'm sorry to the other members who I make look like a$$holes. 


     I was  filming with Johnnie, a truth or dare for his channel. I was having fun until,"I dare you two to kiss." "Johnnie I don't think that's a good idea." "Oh come on we have to." "I don't think Jeydon would be happy with that and I don't want to do that to him." "Oh come on we have to. It's for the fans, he won't mind." "I don't know." "It's for the video, it's not cheating, it'll be fine. We have to do it for the fans." "Okay," I say slowly, still not fully okay with it, but I felt like I had to. 

     Johnnie leans over kissing me. I peck his lips and try to move away, but he grabs the back of my head. I start to fight to get away, pushing his chest, when Jeydon walks in,"What the f**k!" Johnnie jumps away from me. "Can I talk to you (Y/n)?" I nod, I want to cry, or scream, I don't know which. We walk out in the hall and he slams me into the wall, pinning my wrist above my head with one hand. His other one tilting my head up to look at him.

     I look in his eyes, they're a mix of emotions. Anger, sadness, confusion, jealousy, fear. "What was that?", He growls. "It was a dare and I didn't want to but he said we had to for the fans. I wanted the fans to be happy and it was supposed to be a small peck but he,he  didn't do that, he grabbed me when I tried to move away. I tried to push him away but I couldn't. I'm so sorry." The way I'm rambling made it sound like I was scared of him. I'm not scared of Jey, he wouldn't hurt me, he's not like that. I was scared though, scared of losing him. The emotions in his eyes change, to anger and pity. 

     He kisses my nose,"It's okay babydoll. I love you," he coos letting the pity take over for a second. He lets go of my wrists, gently hugging me. "Did I hurt you? Does your back hurt? Was I too rough?" I shake my head no,"It's fine.""That's good." Then the anger takes over as he lets go, looking at the door,"I'm gonna beat his  a$$." "Jey, don't be," he cuts me off. "No. He used my babydoll. He's gonna pay for it." "Jey that's your friend." "My friends don't use my baby. My friends understand what boundaries are." I grab his arm,"Babe, don't hurt him." He sighs pulling me to him and into another hug,"You're too nice babydoll." 


    I laugh as a slightly drunk Jordan falls. I smile and help him up. He hugs me,"Thanks (Y/n),"He coos. He tilts my head up looking into my eyes, seeming to search them. "Jordan what are you doing?" His grip on me tightens as he leans down, "Jordan seriously can you let me go?" "(Y/n) I've liked you for awhile now and I just need to." "What the f**k do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?" Jordan drops me, quickly. 

     Johnnie walks over and picks me up,"You okay, Babe?" I nod. "Good," he kisses my forehead,"Now Jordan, do you want to explain what the f**k you thought you were doing."   "Johnnie I was just uh." "Yeah uh hu. Don't even think about that. I know what you were trying. You were trying to kiss my girlfriend. Don't try that again." 

     "Johnnie calm down," I mumble kissing his neck. "But he." "He's drunk too baby.  Calm down."  "No. Drunk actions are sober thoughts." I noticed he was shaking. "Woah, Johnnie calm down."  Johnnie pulls me closer, growling under his breath. "Let's just go home babe,"I whisper rubbing his side.  "No he." "Johnnie Guilbert." "Fine. I better not see you that close to her while you're drunk ever again.  And I expect an apology when you sober up," Johnnie growls. 

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