Injury JS

416 11 7

(Apparently in this I'm giving Ben medical training:))

Your POV
"Hey do you know if the laundry door outside is closed?" Jordan and Ben shake their heads no so I put on my shoes and walk outside. It's wide open. I turn the lock and go to close it. It's being stubborn. I put my hands on the door and push it.

  But I didn't realize two things, one my hand was on the widow, and two the door closed. My hand goes through the window causing it to shatter.

   I carefully move my hand and realize I cut it. Badly. "Hey guys I need a little help." Next thing I know I'm sitting in an outside chair with a turnikit (it where you tightly wrap a cloth around an area to stop bleeding.) on my arm and an ambulance on the way. Yes the cut was that bad.

  Jordan was freaking out. But not leaving my good side, you know the not injured one. "Babe calm down I'll be one hundred percent okay," I say as the ambulance pulls up. The two women from it walk to me one holding a box. They look at me, then the ground around me-which us covered in my blood,both me and the ground-, and then my arm.

  One wraps my arm while the other gets the gurney. "Either of you want to ride with her?" Jordan nods quickly. They put me in the back of the ambulance and Jordan sits up front. Ben said he'd meet us at the hospital.

  Time skip
Jordan's POV
I sigh pacing the waiting room. They had to take (Y/n) to the OR and that not okay. She's not okay. She's really not okay.  I feel like I should tell her brother. I mean he'd want to know. I take out my phone and go to his contact.

(J-Jordan D-you're brother)
J- hey Dan we got a situation.

D- I swear if (Y/n) is f**king pregnant.

J- more like she's in the OR.
D- what!?

J-She was closing a door and her hand was apparently on the glass/window. The door closed. Hand =trough window. Arm is cut about two inches deep and for across.

D-Phil and I will be there ASAP.

J- no she's supposed to be let out tomorrow.

D- We'll be there ASAP Jordan. That's my sister. I don't care if she's home when we get there.

J- fine

I then told the rest of 'six out of seven' and Damon who all said the same thing. Great. (Y/n) don't kill me.

Time skip
Your POV
Turns out it was so bad I had to stay in the hospital for two days. But I could walk out the dumb place myself. Apparently Jordan didn't think so. "Jordan stop babying me!" He shakes his head as we walk in to the waiting room.

I see eight tired but familiar faces. I smile as they stand up. I hug them each best I can because you know, arm. "Jordan did you tell them to come?" "No I said you were in the OR. They showed up on there own." I send them a look, "Guys I was fine." "You had to stay in the hospital for two days," Jeydon says. "You did my love," Shannon adds. I roll my eyes," I'm fine. Let's go."

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