Kiss and Make Up- JS

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Your POV

     I slam my head back, hitting the head rest in my car. "This is for the best (Y/n). He stopped caring, didn't he?" I pull out of the drive way, driving, not caring where I went. Of course there's a wreck, I'm gonna be here a while. I guess I could listen to music. I press the first playlist on my list, not bothering to read the title, the first playlist has been the same for 4 years. Owl City starts playing, I skip it. Another one? I unlock my phone and realized this isn't my playlist. The title says, "Go to your notes." I sigh and do so,"What is this." I go to the first one, where the only visible words are my name. 

    It reads," (Y/n), I'm sorry. I didn't realized you thought this. I went on your phone to tweet something from it, to prank your fans, and it was open to your text messages with (f/n). I honestly didn't mean to snoop, but I saw my name and wanted to know.  Ididn't know you thought I didn't care anymore. I thought you knew I love you. I didn't think that when I tried to be less clingy, you would think I'm losing interst. I didn't know you never thought I was clingy to start with. I know when you're reading this we would've already broken up, but there's something you need to know. The dooris always open for you to come back, and even if I some how, move on enough to start dating someone else, I'll always love you. You're welcome back whenever. I'm sorry, again. Love-Jordan"

     I smile slightly, the traffic has cleared, I turn around, driving back home. "I'm such an idiot!," I scream, how could I be so stupid? I pull into the drive way, I don't think a drive way has ever scared me so much. Jordan must've heard me pull up, because he walked outside, leaning against the front door.  He smiles seeing me get out the car. I started walking to him, slowly, and slowly started walking faster, before I knew it I was running to him. I jump into his arms, which were open, waiting for me. I wrap my legs around his waist, with my arms around his shoulders, with my face buried in his neck. "I'm sorry," we say at the same time. "For what,"yet again, at the same time. "Thinking you didn't care, leaving." He frowns,"No you had the right, I started spending less time with you and almost started ignoring you, you didn't deserve that." 

    I start crying slightly,"I read your letter." I didn't have to look at him to know he was smiling,"I thought you might've, sorry for snooping." I shake my head,"It's fine, Yoshi." "No it's not." I move my head and move to look into his eyes, leaning in. He leaned in too, our lips connecting, the same,perfect way they always have. Our lips moving in sync for a solid three minutes before we pulled away. "I love you," I breathe, leaning my forehead on his. "I love you too,"he mumbles," does this mean you're back?" I smile, "Yes, if, you stop distancing yourself." I smiles,"Deal, after that, I'm not gonna make that mistake again." I smile kissing him again good. I look down at my phone,"It's tweleve o'clock," I yawn. He smiles, carrying me inside, and too our room,"Change into pajamas, then we can cuddle.Okay Snowflake?" I smile and change before falling onto our bed. 

     He smiles, laying down beside me, "Come here Snowflake." I roll over into his arms,"I love you, Yoshi." "I love you too, Snowflake." I pull him closer to me, he smiles and wraps his arms around me, leaning down and kissing me again. I smile,"I love you more." "I love you most." I pout,"You won, I hate when you win." He laughs,"I like winning." "Of course you do." "Oh hush," He laughs, buring his face in my hair. I smile leaning my head on his chest,"Good night, Yoshi." "Sweet dreams, Snowflake."  "Hey Jordan?" "Hhhm?" "Can I join you and Ben for a one word story next time?" "Sure, good night now." "Night." I smile, playing with his hair. After a while he fell asleep, I could hear him quietly snoring. "I'm sorry Yoshi," I whisper,"I was stupid." He cuddled closer to me in his sleep. "Good night," I whisper, before finally drifting off to sleep myself.

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