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In Chicago, Dino Ferrero was happy not to be Gabriele Gambino. Pending a RICO trial and burying a son was something he didn't wish on his worst enemy. Dino, like his counterparts, was an older male who had salt and pepper hair, a goatee, and a round belly. Dino especially was one of the family members who didn't like Leo De Luca. Not because he was a hothead with a short temper, but because guys like Dino were old school and had to wait their turn (for someone to die) to be Boss. Leo had it lucky and he felt that Fazi babied him.

Dino, unlike the other families, lived a simple life, under the radar. It was just him and his wife, no kids. They lived in a one-bedroom condo and he drove a Prius. Though he had money to spend he was frugal or as his wife called him, Mr. Scrooge. On nights like such, when Dino finished his nine-to-five, he was engaged in white-collar crime. Anything that contained large winnings, Dino had his hands in it. Being born and raised in Chicago, Dino was a die-hard Bulls fan. As were the majority of his close friends and family. Though Dino was cheap, being Boss had its perks. Every year he was gifted season tickets to the same suite as the year before. He never missed a home game.

The rule of thumb for the suites was that what happened in the suite stayed in the suite. The suite was Dino and friends Las Vegas at home. It was where he brought coworkers who wanted to try their luck and friends who wanted a pretty girl on their arms who wasn't their wife. Most famous of all was the elite game of Blackjack that was played. Dino paid a retired card dealer to host the games and Dino kept an eye on anyone who's anyone.

Depending on the night, the suite consisted of Chicago's top Judges, Doctors, Politicians, Public servants, and Strippers. All of which wanted nothing more than to find a fun way to spend their hard-earned money. Some even argued that the suite was more exciting than the games being played at times. It didn't hurt that Dino got pleasure from watching grown men and women beg him to be a part of what some viewed as the most prestigious gentlemen's club in town. Dino also enjoyed watching the city's most powerful people come together under his rule. He had the rotation under control like clockwork.

Depending on the time of the year, the location of the arena and suite changed. Winter was basketball, Spring was hockey, Summer was baseball, and Fall was football. But this particular night was special. It was the last hoorah for many attendees before the Holidays. Which meant they would be away from the suite until New Year. For some, the suite was the most exciting part of their existence and they intended to go out with a bang.

Dino and his niece, Judy Bruno, gave each other a look. All in all, it was a good night. There was an unspoken rule that the attendees of the suite gave Dino a percentage of their winnings just for being invited. The gambling stakes were always high and the more the attendees won, the more Dino pocketed.

"Happy holidays, Dino," said Denton Horn, the City Attorney, as he placed a wad of cash into Dino's jacket pocket. "Buy Francesca something nice wouldya."

Dino smiled though he hated when another man mentioned anything about his wife.

Judy was a college dropout turned Real Estate Agent who had sold half the people in the suite their properties. "When are you and Fran gonna settle down? Buy a house? Start a family?"

"You first." Dino calmly responded. "But I don't know. I'm still a young man. We have time."

Before Judy could respond, one of the guards approached and said, "Francis isn't doing so hot." With so much cash floating around the suite, Dino always had security on hand. But there was a reason why he himself never gambled. It was bad for business. Francis Aldo was one of Dino's oldest friends and a trusted business associate. They grew up together from boys to men and now Francis was on the City Council.

"How bad?" Judy questioned.

"A dime." the guard responded.

Dino wasn't happy. "You fronted Francis ten grand? Jesus."

The guard tried to explain himself. "He was up at one point. He said you gave the okay."

Dino deeply sighed as he watched Francis from afar. He quickly noticed his composure. Francis was drunk, stumbling over his own feet, and probably hadn't realized the huge mistake he had made. Aside from a little bit of insider trading, when Dino fronted the cash for the participants of the suite there was an unspoken rule that they paid him back within a week including interest. The last person who didn't repay him simply disappeared. Soon after, before it got any worse, Dino knew it was time for him to step in.

He tapped Francis on the shoulder and said, "Pack it up. I'll walk you out."

After Francis grabbed his peacoat, he and Dino entered the elevator and then went outside the arena.

"What about my car?" Francis patted his pockets for his keys.

"You'll get it tomorrow." Dino pulled a cigarette from his suit and then lit the opposite end. "I had security call you a cab."

"What are brothers for?" Francis smiled.

Dino shrugged. "Brothers or not this dime you owe isn't going away. Don't embarrass the Family."

Shortly after, the cab pulled up to the curb.

"I know, I know." Francis kissed Dino on the cheek. "I messed up. But with everything going on. I mean, little Ricky? That could've been any of us." he started to cry.

"C'mon, pull yourself together. Death is only a new beginning." Dino shook his head and then opened the car door as Francis got in. "Go home, clean yourself up, and come by my office tomorrow." he slammed the door shut.

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