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On the way to the meet, seated near Aurora, in the front of an SUV, Pierre pleaded his case. "Non-retaliation might be viewed as weak. Son-in-law or not."

"Duly noted." Aurora watched the commotion as they arrived. The perfect blend of taxis and cars and the sound of airplanes taking off and arriving. "I will handle this my way."

"This meet is a bad idea. We're going in blind." Pierre continued. "Who sets a meet at an airport anyways?"

"It's the one place in the world where guns aren't allowed. It was a wise move on his part."

"Forget that." Pierre moved his gun from the glove compartment to his trousers. "You think your money is here?"

"Let's find out, shall we?"

As instructed, the SUV stopped in front of the arrivals terminal. Aurora and Pierre exited the vehicle and made their way to baggage claim. Right on time, Stefan was already seated at an empty row of chairs.

"Glad to see you made it." Stefan watched as Aurora sat next to him.

Aurora had already killed Stefan a million times in her head but she planned to play nice for now. "Where's my money, Stefan?"


"When you steal from me, you steal from my business partners and associates. This is not good for you."

"I planned on it. Now I have your attention."

"You think this is a game?" Aurora chuckled. "You've made a grave mistake, Stefan."

"I can get you your money back right now."


"I told you my prize at the wedding." He put his elbows to his knees and leaned forward. "I want in on whatever it is you do."

"Was that your plan? To blackmail me with my own money?"

"I know it might not seem like it given the circumstances, But," Stefan smirked. "I love your daughter and--"

She cut him off. "--I'll stop you right there. If you think for one second that you'll use my daughter as a bargaining chip." She tried to keep calm but she changed the base of her tone. "My daughter is the only reason you aren't dead right now."

"So if you had to choose between your money and your daughter?"

Aurora immediately answered. "Paula without question."

"You see, that right there. That's what I'm talking about." Stefan nodded. "You're a rare gem. Someone with integrity. That's why I want to work for you." He paused. "If it makes you feel any better, you should be grateful that I robbed you and have enough respect to give it all back. I'm showing you that I'm a loyal soldier. What more could you want from me?"

"Why does this mean so much to you, Stefan?"

Instead, he replied, "My exchange is that you get your money back, every last dollar if you hire me and my guys. We want to work for you."

"A true wolf in sheep's clothing." Aurora sighed. "I've given me no choice."

"So we have a deal?"

She nodded. "If this is really what you want then yes, we have a deal. Now, where is my money?"

At the same time, Stefan handed her a USB.

"What is this?"

"Your cash was converted into cryptocurrency. Companies and passwords are on the drive."

"I didn't ask for this. If I wanted digital currency I would've called Dino Ferrero." Aurora was astonished. "I should kill you right now."

"You won't do that."

"Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?"

"The world is changing. No one uses cash anymore." Stefan smiled. "You need me more than I need you."

Aurora didn't know how to respond. Instead, she stared at the USB drive and observed how small it looked in her palm. The drive was the size of a tube of chapstick.

"Oh, and a million dollars in a week. That's not bad. But we can do better. I can't wait to learn more." Stefan rose from the chair and then walked towards the exit.

As Stefan left, Pierre joined Aurora.

"Still no money in sight." Pierre teased.

"Stefan is as clever as they come."

"Want me to take care of it?"

"The contrary," Aurora answered. "I hired him."

"You did what?" Pierre's eyes widened. "He robs you and you decide to hire him. What sense does that make?"

"Guys like Stefan won't quit until they think they're in control. Which is why I've also decided to make him Right Hand."

"Now wait a minute." Pierre looked shocked. He was being demoted. "Let's talk about this."

"The decision is made. The Feds are hunting the Family. Philly has flown under the radar for quite some time and I'd like to keep it that way. The more we distance ourselves, the better. Now...while you may no longer be Right Hand, on behalf of the Family, I'd like to bring you in on the Crazy Eight Fund."

"The Crazy Ei..." Pierre's mood immediately changed. This may have been the best day of his life. "You're kidding? You're for real right now?"

"Should you choose to accept?"

He was so excited that he was almost speechless. "I didn't go to college, let alone an Ivy League."

"Which is why I'd like your assistance. What do you say?"

"I'd be honored." Pierre laughed. "I should've known you had something up your sleeve."

"Rule number one, always be ten steps ahead. Chess, not checkers."

Later that night, at her favorite restaurant in downtown Philadelphia, with her family seated around the table, Aurora broke the news. Everyone in the immediate family turned their attention to her.

After she tapped her knife against the wine glass, Aurora announced, "Now that Stefan has joined the Morelli family, I feel it's long overdue for him to be in the loop. Which is why as of today, Stefan has humbly accepted a job opportunity working on the farm."

Ezra, Ezra Junior, Paula, and Aurora all clapped. Aurora especially clapped while she gave Stefan an indifferent glare.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Though she had a smile on her face, Paula whispered to him. She would've appreciated hearing the news directly from her husband and not her mother.

"I did this for us." He kissed her. "I thought you'd be happy."

"I thought you loved working construction. You've never worked on a farm before."

"It's okay. It's gonna be fine." He kissed her again. "There's a first time for everything." Then he raised his glass of wine to the table and looked directly at Aurora. "To new beginnings." Everyone toasted and clinked glasses.

"New beginnings," said Aurora, putting the glass to her mouth. Stefan thought he outsmarted her though she already won the game. Checkmate.

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