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Though the meditations were occurring, the Tarantino family was getting nowhere. Marco wasn't baiting and Mackenzie wasn't biting. Marco wanted one thing while Mackenzie wanted another. Marco's lawyer was telling him one thing while Mackenzie's lawyer was telling her something else. They both knew where this was headed.

To date, Mackenzie was playing right into Marco's hand. All he had to do was stall a little bit longer until they got a court date. Then it would all be history. Luckily for Mackenzie, Shawn Wright had an elite reputation for helping clients hit the jackpot and then some. Seated next to Ruth Efron, Shawn's words seemed to spill out of his mouth like silk. But Mackenzie was intrigued to see what he would actually be able to prove. She knew her husband was promiscuous but she never went to the lengths to support her claims.

Shawn said, "Infidelity won't stick for making your husband an unfit father. But being an absent father due to his infidelity is something your lawyer can spin. As a P.I., what I do is attack from all angles. We're bound to find something. Fair warning, what I find won't be pretty but I can assure you there's nothing I haven't seen before." Then he looked briefly at Ruth and then back at Mackenzie. "Now from what Ruth tells me is that you have reason to believe your husband's finances have been fabricated. Is this true?"

Mackenzie nodded. "Yes."

"Higher or lower?"


"By how much? Ballpark figure."

"Hard to tell. I'm not sure." Mackenzie answered. "By a lot."

"Common tactic to lessen alimony if the divorce doesn't work in his favor. The stage is set." Shawn scratched his head. "Money technicalities is not my specialty but I'd like to recommend a trusted accounting firm." He slid a business card across the table. "They have Forensic Accountants. Most of their clients are dealing with six figures and up. Doesn't hurt to ask for a consultation. If there's money hidden, they will find it. Ask for Devin."

While making rounds, Irv found himself at Marco Tarantino's waterfront home in Lake Michigan. For some reason, every stop had a detour of information he never knew he needed. The more Irv roamed, the more information he collected. He had been out of the loop for so long that he forgot just how much fun drama was.

"Would you look at this?" Marco watched as Irv approached and then hugged him. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the coming home shindig."

"Forget about it."

"Went in a boy, came out a man. Let me look at you." Marco handed Irv a large envelope. One big enough to put documents in. "This is for you."

"What is this?" When Irv opened it, that's when he saw the bundles of cash.

"A quarter for a quarter."

He couldn't believe that Marco had just handed him twenty-five thousand dollars. "I can't accept this."

"Don't be ridiculous. You earned it." Marco led him through the house. "These young guys need guidance. More made men like yourself to set them straight. Do the crime, take the dime." He continued. "C'mon, you're just in time for lunch."

Soon they entered the kitchen and there was a woman who wore an apron as she cooked.

"Who's the babe?" Irv asked. The woman looked familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. He thought maybe she was someone from his childhood or some model from his dreams in a magazine he once saw. But he knew for a fact she wasn't Mackenzie Tarantino, his wife.

Instead of responding, Marco smiled as he admired her. Francesca never ceased to amaze him.

Shortly after Irv pieced it together. "I've seen her before. Yeah...used to be joint at the hip with Dino." That's because she was Francesca Ferrero, Dino's wife.

"She's with me now." Marco patted Irv on the shoulder. "You may not have heard. Kenzie and I are done, finished. Getting a divorce."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Beyond repair?"

"So she says. She's acting like she forgot I've been the same man I was when we met. Talking about infidelities and this and that. I met her while I was out with another broad. Guess it's true you lose 'em how you get 'em." Marco shrugged. "The worst part is her cocksucker Lawyer is filling her head with poison, just garbage. They've constructed this plan where Kenzie thinks she'll get custody of the girls. She knows hell will have to freeze over." He changed the subject. "Anyway, you aren't here to bust my balls like Pierre are you?"

Irv immediately looked confused.

Marco continued. "Apparently you all had a good time in the six?"

Irv smiled. "What'd he say?"

"Pierre wanted to bitch and moan about Pauly to me. I told him, look, you wanna address my brother. Be a man. Talk to the source. Don't come yabbing to me. Said Pauly's disrespecting the Family. Would you agree?"

"No. All in fun." Irv shrugged. "Pauly was harmless."

"Good," said Marco. "I know my brother's a hothead. If he had it his way he'd be on the tour of Italy with little Leo chasing tail."

"Of course, you've heard what's going down in the boot?"

Marco bent his brow. "Let me guess. Up to no good?"

"Word is Leo shot Tracy DiJorno."

"Jesus. No, I hadn't heard."

"On my mother. I swear it."

"If the DiJorno's put a bid on Leo's head? He ain't coming back. Those guys are savages." Marco continued. "What's Fazi say about all this?"

"Fazi wants a sit-down. Something low-key."

"A sit-down?" Marco chuckled. "Before or after the DiJorno's cut Leo's head off?"

"I know the DiJorno family has a reputation, but they kill Leo, and we go to war. No one wants that."

"I don't know. We grew up on stories about the DiJorno's. Like that one guy who flipped? Thought he and his family were riding off into the sunset for Witsec. Legend has it that the DiJorno family skinned that guy alive, cooked his flesh then made the wife and kids eat it. As a reminder." He shook his head. "Human flesh? Can you imagine?"

"Times sure have changed. Huh?"

"Exactly my point. These new guys know they have someone else to clean up their mess. No backbone. No respect for themselves."

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