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It was a rainy morning in New Jersey on the day of Ricardo Gambino's funeral. Despite the gloomy weather, there was a large crowd at the graveyard with the immediate Gambino relatives, friends, the Five Families, and news reporters trying to get a closer look.

One reporter close by spoke into a corded microphone and camera. "NJBN, This just in. Reporting live from the funeral of Ricardo Gambino whose life was taken during the church bombing a few days ago in Boston, Massachusetts. Boston Coroners reported that there were no survivors of the gruesome act. Ricardo Gambino, was the son of Gabriele Gambino, alleged boss of the Gambino crime family here in New Jersey. Gabriele Gambino is currently on house arrest pending trial for a Rico case on multiple crimes including drug trafficking. Though Gabriele has been arrested in the past he has never been convicted. If found guilty, Gabriele could face a minimum of twenty years to life."

Next to the casket was a large blown-up picture of Ricardo. Ricardo was a mirror image of his father Gabriele. Gabriele was in his fifties, and had streaks of gray hair, a gray beard, and beady eyes. Vincent Gambino was Ricardo's nephew. He was half Gabriele's age, slim, and his most trusted sidekick.

After Ricardo was lowered into the ground, Vincent pulled Gabriele to the side and told him, "You're lucky the Judge granted house arrest. You could be sitting in the can right now and missing your own son's funeral. That being said, we have to be smart with retaliation."

"Smartness and retaliation don't go together. You know, Vincent, you're lucky you're family, or else I would bash your head in on my son's tombstone. We're at a funeral for God sake. Have some respect."

Vincent rolled his eyes. "That's just the grief talking." He pulled his Uncle in for a hug.

Gabriele nodded at the US Marshals who were court-ordered to accompany him to the funeral and back to his home. They stood nearby and watched Gabriele's every move.

While hugging his nephew, Gabriele whispered into his ear. "For the time being, I need you to step up a little bit longer. For the Family."

"For Ricardo," Vincent responded As he patted Gabriele on the back. "And when I find out who took Ricky from's lights out for them."

Gabriele whispered. "If you find out who killed my son." he tried to hold back tears. "I want them brought to me."

"With the Marshalls, I don't think that's a good idea, Gabe." Vincent shook his head. "You have enough to worry about. You should let me do what needs to be done."

They both pulled back and Vincent patted Gabriele on the shoulder while Gabriele dried his eyes. At that same time, they were joined by Fazi De Luca.

"Mayor," Vincent hugged him.

"Hey Vinny, Gabe." Then Fazi hugged Gabriele. His Boston accent was heavy. "I wish I was here under better circumstances." they separated then Fazi continued. "Why was my nephew in Boston and didn't call me?" he looked sad.

"I didn't know he was there myself." Gabriele placed his hands in his pants pockets. "Him being in that Priest College. The school claims they were visiting multi-denomination churches all over the U.S."

"And the bombing?"

"Wrong place, wrong time."

Fazi shook his head. He could hear the pain in Gabriele's voice. "A real tragedy. What do you need? How is Angela holding up?"

"Not good." Gabriele's eyes watered. "My bride can't fathom that someone would harm our baby boy. Our only child."

"Look at them," Vincent turned and looked at the row of the press who had Reporters and cameras lined up. "Vultures. Using the Family as clickbait."

Nearby one of the Reporters was able to get close to Gabriele and put a microphone to his face. "Mr. Gambino care to comment? What would you like the public to know? How will the death of your son affect your trial?"

Gabriele glared at the Reporter. He looked at them as if he wanted to strangle them where they stood. Instead, all he thought about was his son when he was born. "My son, Ricardo Gambino, was a good kid. He didn't deserve this." tears fell from his eyes. "There was a time when I wanted him to go to Rutgers or Princeton. But my Ricardo went to school to be a Priest. He wanted to change the world one soul at a time." he wiped his eyes. "I'll never forget our family summers at Cape May or Atlantic City. It pains me to know that I'll never be able to hold my baby boy again. Ricky, I know you're in heaven watching this. Thank you for letting me be your Dad. It was the best job I ever had." he broke into a heavy cry.

"That's enough." Vincent shooed the camera away as he held Gabriele up. "Get that out of here."

Shortly after Angela Gambino joined. Wearing all black, she held a black handkerchief to her eyes as Gabriele wrapped her under his arm. Though Angela was younger than Gabriele she had more gray hair than he did.

The same Reporter asked. "Mrs. Gambino, sorry about your son. Anything you would like to add?"

Angela turned and said. "You've got some nerve showing up here. You can go to hell, jerkoff."

The Reporter made their way through the group. Then turned to Fazi. "Mayor De Luca, care to comment? Is it true that Saint Jerome church was a congregation heavily populated by those of Irish descent? Known enemies of the Italians? Was this a hit?"

Fazi smiled before he changed the narrative. "Now more than ever we need to come together as one Boston, as one Massachusetts, and as one America. My heart is with all families impacted by the bombing. I want my fellow Bostonians to know that I am working around the clock with the Senator to bring those responsible to justice."

Another Reporter asked, "Before becoming Mayor you were the alleged head of the De Luca crime family. The family is now allegedly run by your son, Leonardo De Luca. What's next after your term as Mayor ends? Will you rejoin the life of crime?"

Fazi smiled again. "If you're able, many donations are being used to help the families of the fallen. God bless and may Ricardo Gambino rest in peace."

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