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The private security company contracted by Dino Ferrero followed up with Judy after they finished their report. Chris and Corey Lester, of Lester's Security, gave her every detail. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Chris and Corey, who Judy hadn't noticed before, were brothers who looked like bodybuilders. The type who snorted protein for breakfast. Though all of the Right Hands were clean there was something in the hotel suite that caused red flags.

After Judy read through and tried to make sense of the report. She asked, "You think there's a bug in the suite?"

Chris replied. "It's hard to tell."

"Any ideas of who planted it? Or how long it's been there." Judy thought about it. If Francis was a snitch he had the perfect cover. He knew where the suite was and when the meetings were. He could plant a bug for whoever he was working for.

Corey answered. "We don't know for sure that it's a bug. It could've been the wifi connection or such. We're just saying there was interference. That's all."

"Well, what are you saying, specifically? Could this be some hotel security measure? Or are the Feds watching?"

"Unlikely the hotel. Spying on their guests is normally against policy. Illegal." Chris continued. "Now the good news is if it's a bug. Whoever planted it doesn't know that you know."

"The element of surprise." Judy agreed.

When Corey folded his arms he flexed his biceps. "Now what we recommend is that you all continue business as usual. Act normal as if nothing has changed. While we figure out a way to know more. If we're lucky without notifying whoever's on the other side."

Judy nodded.

Corey looked at Chris and then back at Judy. "Should we take this to Dino?"

That was the question. If this was the doing of Francis it was already too late. No details were spared in the suite. The feds already had everything they needed. Unfortunately, Judy knew that Uncle Dino didn't have the balls to do what needed to be done. Instead, she said, "I'll take it from here. Thanks, boys." She hoped and prayed that Paul or Irv got to Francis before she did.

On the other side of Chicago, Francis speculated that he was being hunted. People in the family simply dropped out of his life. He knew what that meant. Francis was in over his head and he needed help. So when the Agents from the casino approached him again, it was as if it was fate. An offer he couldn't refuse. Information for a fresh start felt like a fair trade. They told him to continue with his normal routine and that he would simply disappear in witsec at any given moment without warning.

So Francis did. He attended his psychotherapy appointment as normal. He started to think of new names for his new life. He could see himself being a Bill or Wayne. After his session, in the parking garage, that's when he was approached. The Department of Treasury Agents told him that it was time.

"What about my family?" Francis questioned. He wasn't ready to leave them behind.

"We've been over this," said Special Agent DuPont.

Agent Jones reiterated. "No contact."

Francis didn't know his emotions would take such a toll. "But...I..."

Special Agent DuPont responded. "It's now or never, Aldo. No time to waste."

"Ok, ok." Francis pulled himself together. "I'm ready."

Special Agent DuPont and Agent Jones led Francis to the start of his new life. But as they turned the corner, he saw someone he didn't wish he had. Next to the unmarked van which he assumed was his ride, stood Dino Ferrero and Judy Bruno.

It was as if Francis' heart stopped. "Dino, I wasn't gonna tell them nothing I swear."

Dino nodded. "I understand."

That's when Francis knew it was over for him. He couldn't think clearly but what was happening in front of him was obvious. "These Agents on your payroll?" He had been set up from the very beginning.

"A test of loyalty and you failed." Dino sighed. "It should've never gotten to this, brother. All you had to do was pay your fucking debt."

Francis knew his fate was sealed. There was no need to beg. He knew no matter what he did or said that it wouldn't matter.

"Ample opportunity. I had to know for sure." Dino couldn't even look at Francis. "Unlimited potential. We were supposed to be better." Furious was an understatement. "We were supposed to be the future. The bread and butter that kept this thing running. It sickens me that we're here."

Judy muttered. "History repeats itself." As Dino showed his Glock, she hung her head.

First Francis looked at Judy. "Lady Bruno, your time is now." Then back at Dino. He watched him unclip the safety. "Just make it quick, Din."

Even with the gun pointed at Francis, his heart broke ten times over as he placed his finger on the trigger. That's when he knew he couldn't do it. "Go out like a man. You owe me that much." That's when he handed the gun to Francis. "Don't be stupid."

With the gun in hand, Francis knew he held the power. But just as Dino couldn't kill him, he couldn't kill Dino. "I did the best I could." At the same time, Francis put the barrel in his mouth and then squeezed the trigger.

A few seconds later, Judy said, "Now we can--"

Before she could finish, Dino snapped. "--Shut up." It was clear he was in mourning.

Some things were worth more than money. To the US Government, they didn't mind bending the rules once in a while. Dino had clients bigger and worse than he was. And his knowledge of where they kept their money interested the Department of Treasury very much.

Later, Dino and Judy barged into the therapist's office. The older white man was in the middle of a session and found their approach rude.

"Get out," Judy told the client who quickly did as she said.

Once they were left alone. Dino looked at the name tag on the desk. "Dr. Wrigley. Your client Francis Aldo. What specifically do you discuss?"

Dr. Wrigley looked appalled. "You know I can't share that. Sessions are confidential."

Judy showed her gun. "You sure?"

"Okay, wait." Dr. Wrigley pulled a folder from a multi-drawer cabinet. After he read through his notes he said. "Ah, yes. Mr. Aldo is battling same-sex attraction. My professional opinion is that it's the source of his gambling addiction. It's a mask that hides his true form."

Dino and Judy looked at one another. Dino was seconds from throwing up. He had a funeral to plan and it turns out he knew nothing about the man he called his brother. 

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