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Aurora had her work cut out. Stefan kept nagging at what the Crazy Eight Fund was and how he could get involved. She assured him that it was nothing more than a charity. She could tell that the job Stefan robbed her for wasn't as fulfilling as he hoped. And that He more than ever felt like an outsider. The Right Hands didn't like him and Aurora didn't respect him.

As if Stefan wasn't enough. Pierre needed a play-by-play. Though she hoped she didn't have to hold Pierre's hand, it was clear that he was struggling with his role. "I didn't fight in nam' to kill kids, A."

"Kill kids? Who said anything about kill--"

"--Jacob Barrington." Pierre wasn't a rocket scientist but he knew from the article that something was off. The reporter did their best but it was clear that it was only half the story.

Aurora gave him a confused look. "No one killed Jacob Barrington. His death was an act of god." Unlike Pierre, she didn't fight in Vietnam and she still would never sign up to kill kids.

Pierre couldn't tell if Aurora was being serious or not. Maybe she turned a blind eye or maybe she wanted him left in the dark like Stefan. He couldn't put his finger on it. Either she was purposefully ignoring the reality that a coincidence was strange or she didn't know the whole truth.

"Everyone plays their part," Aurora reassured.

That afternoon, President Allen Walters had a meeting with Aurora and shared with her his fairytale career. His admission to uPenn was initially denied back in the '80s. But through hard work and dedication, he was later accepted and graduated with honors. His first job was as an administrative assistant in the admissions office. Over time he worked his way up through the ranks. From assistant to president, he never looked back and never missed an opportunity to share his journey with others.

President Walters, like Aurora, had legacy kids who all attended uPenn. He distinctly remembered Paula because she told him that uPenn was the only school she applied to. When she met her now-husband Stefan while studying abroad, she felt she owed President Walters an invitation to her wedding.

President Walters read over Aurora's credentials once more. He spoke to her as if she already had the job. "An active alumni, ability to work under pressure, attention to detail, communication and interpersonal skills." He continued. "The only thing I don't see is experience in student affairs or admissions experience. But maybe that can be substituted for education. What was your degree in?"

"Agricultural science."

"That won't do." That's when he flipped through her file and saw a copy of her transcript and diploma. "But other than that it appears you passed the preliminary interviews with flying colors. Advisors recommend you would be a great asset to our establishment."

"That's wonderful. When do I start?"

"Well," President Walters closed her folder. "After much discussion, with oversight from the board of trustees, we've decided to go another direction."

"Another direction?"

"Though we're unable to offer you the A.O. position at this time, we hope this won't deter you from applying again in the future."

"I see." Aurora could feel her blood boiling. He buttered her up just to give her the boot. "And may I ask what brought about this decision?"

"We feel as though with metrics and quotas you aren't the right fit at this time. You're overqualified and frankly, times have changed. With diversity in mind--"

She answered for him. "--Simply put, you don't need another middle-aged white woman. I understand."

"I'm sorry I don't have better news." President Walters rose from his desk. "I hope you keep us in mind in your future endeavors." He held out his hand.

But Aurora didn't shake. She didn't converse with enemies. Instead, she excused herself. Later that night, after President Walters was ready to call it a day, two people stormed the President's mansion. Almost immediately President Walters was fighting to hold his ground. He was attacked. But soon he was grabbed and punched in the face which knocked him out cold.

When he awoke, he was tied to a chair and seated across from Aurora Morelli. She nodded at Pierre. She wasn't above using torture tactics to get what she wanted. But she wanted to see what kind of man President Walters was first. He didn't seem like the person who could take much pain.

"What is the meaning of this?" President Walters looked dazed and confused. Next to Aurora was a tripod with a camera pointed at him.

"Today we're going to make a home movie," Aurora answered. "Effective today your tenure as President has come to an end."

He squinted. "I don't understand."

"Five hundred thirty-five thousand," Aurora spoke. "That's how much a university president makes annually."

President Walters tried to release himself. "Mrs. Morelli. This is highly unprofessional and I assure you uncalled for."

She calmly replied. "You do know the Fund is the reason you're President, right?"

"I'm President through hard work and perseverance." He huffed and puffed.

Aurora chuckled. "You don't believe that. You can't possibly."

"I'm just doing my job." He again tried to free his hands. That's when he saw Pierre cock his gun. "You can't fault me for that."

"You're right. Which is why I think you'll be deeply remembered." She sighed. "The American people love a great martyr."

"It seems you and I got off on the wrong foot, Mrs. Morelli. Please." He hoped to change her mind. "There appears to be a misunderstanding. You have to know that we wanted to offer you the job. I swear."

"What changed?"

"We were told not to."

"By who?"

President Walters looked scared. He wanted to make sure Pierre didn't make any sudden movements.

"By who?" Aurora repeated.

After a large gulp, President Walters responded. "Edward Fitzgerald." He huffed. "He told us that you'd understand."

Pierre had seen once again that Aurora was left out of the loop. When it came to the Crazy Eight Fund she was not in control. She was simply a pawn.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08 ⏰

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