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"So, ten Phases, five families, and the CFC. Did I miss anything?" Herbert looked at the corkboard and observed. The operation was more eventful than sitting at a desk all day crunching numbers and writing reports.

"And a partridge in a pear tree." Robbins folded his arms.

Herbert continued. "This sort of intel. The Agencies Against Crime, how long has this operation been up and running? Months?"

"Months?" Kirby repeated after she laughed. "Try years."

"So far all I've seen is another week of no information from The Five. Who would want to do this for years, plural?" Herbert shrugged. "You all haven't thought of just closing shop? Going back home. Trying another angle?"

"Patience, young grasshopper," said Dixon. "This job is hit or miss at times but I wouldn't call this week a dud. We have a name, Francis Aldo. He's on the board actually. It appears he's been benched and replaced. Making the new Right Hand, Judy Bruno." He moved pins and pictures on the board. "Who also happens to be Dino Ferrero's niece. Following so far?" He asked Herbert.

Judy replaced Francis. Dino and Judy were relatives. Herbert nodded.

Dixon continued. "The Right Hands act like the second in command. So for Francis to get benched he must've really f'ed up."

Herbert said, "But they're talking about killing Francis. Shouldn't we do something?"

"Killing him they'd actually be doing us a favor." Robbins shrugged.

"But if we gave him a heads up we could literally save his life."

"What did I say last time? We're treated like Interns." Robbins rolled his eyes. "If you want to call the shots you have to move up the food chain."

"So that's it? We just do nothing?" Herbert was conflicted. No one trained him for this.

"Well, not quite," Kirby added. "You report to whoever it is you report to in Chicago and the guys on the ground will make the final call."

Dixon said, "Your lead Ralph Clarke is a solid guy. He'll make the right decision."

"Don't get so attached." Robbins laughed. "The Five are not worth losing sleep over. Besides, it's not like the big fish listen to our ideas anyways."

Herbert looked confused. "What do you mean by that?"

Robbins continued. "We're here in the trenches losing sleep doing the heavy lifting. Believe me, we've pitched plenty of ideas to the leads. Like sending an undercover Accountant to Dino Ferrero's firm. Because in my opinion, Dino Ferrero is the most valuable family member. He is the glue that holds the entire organization together. Get in good with Ferrero and suck them dry from the inside. That idea? Shot down."

Dixon nodded. "I actually liked that one."

"Thank you," Robbins answered.

Dixon picked up. "I personally wanted to attack the weakest link. Who in my opinion is Aurora Morelli--"

Kirby interrupted. "--we have literally no idea what she's involved in. There still could be a chance that she really is a Farmer and nothing more."

Robbins laughed. "A Farmer, right."

"Silent but deadly," Dixon responded. "But okay, I'll bite. Which leads to the second weakest, Marco Tarantino. I suggested we send in a Chef to one of his trucks and quietly slip in through the cracks."

Robbins disagreed. "The CIA thinks Marco is the one with the Phases connect. Which makes him deadly. He's second best. That plan would've never worked."

"Kill my dreams why don't cha'." Dixon frowned.

"What about you?" Herbert looked at Kirby.

She answered. "My top choice is Aurora. She's one big mystery. But if not her, I would pick Marco Tarantino's wife, Mackenzie Tarantino. She's the perfect mark."

Robbins rolled his eyes then said, "Alright, newbie." Then he looked at Herbert. "Who's your pick?"

Herbert pondered. "You know when you watch the murder mystery shows, scooby doo, CSI. And the answer is always so obvious but they try to make us the viewers think that we're crazy. That's kind of what this is." He looked at the board and tried to recall all of the information he had been told. "My in would be Leo De Luca."

"Please elaborate," said Dixon. "This should be interesting."

"An unexpected first-draft pick. Leo De Luca is the baby of the litter." Robbins shook his head. "In fact, I recant my earlier statement. Leo De Luca is the weakest link. But, yes, let's hear this."

Herbert continued. "Leo De Luca is a baby Boss, yes, but he's a part of this new age. He doesn't think like these old heads. Ricardo Gambino's murder was too clever and yet no one knows anything? In his own city? I don't buy it. I'd be willing to bet that Leo De Luca knows who planted the bomb and won't come forward because why would he? So, yeah, if it was me, Leo De Luca would be my angle. I'd send a young attractive Agent to work his nerves." He looked at Kirby. "Specifically a woman. Someone he wouldn't mind pillow talking with."

"Huh," Robbins looked at Herbert then at Kirby. "That's a nice story. It almost sounds familiar. but there's one piece you forgot."

"I'm all ears," Herbert replied.

Kirby cleared her throat. "It's a brilliant plan but you're about ten years and some change too late."

Dixon added. "The last ATF Agent that got assigned to the De Luca family ended up falling in love with one. Ended up throwing away the whole op and went rogue. It was kind of poetic when you think about it."

"You're kidding?" Herbert looked stunned.

Kirby continued. "The op ended so badly that the Bureau hadn't been back to Boston since. The recent bombing changed all that."

"So fast forward, the Agencies Against Crime found an in, in Jersey?" asked Herbert.

"Eh." Robbins sighed.

"But what about the RICO case with Gabriele?"

"What about it?" Robbins asked.

Herbert couldn't tell if Robbins was being serious or not. "The United States VS Gambino. I mean, RICOs require a minimum of thirty-five same offenses. A pattern. So, the DEA must have something good."

That's when Dixon stepped in. "He doesn't want to jinx it."

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