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The door finally opened, revealing the man at the doorway. He walked over to the bed I was laying on to untie me, and I flinched at his touch. Neither of us said a word, nothing was to be said.

Once I was freed, I looked at my bruised wrists,  they were bright red with hints of black and blue from rope burn. The ropes were tied so tight, I'm surprised they didn't fall off.

"Dinner. Now" he spoke. I got up in pain, and he pushed my back forward to the door. I made my way down the hall passed my shared room with Michael and into the dining room.

Once Michael saw me his eyes widened and he ran over to me. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me harder than anyone has ever hugged me before. As much as I was hurting, I hugged back. Just to be in his embrace made me feel safe.

"SIT DOWN. DON'T TOUCH HER" the man yelled. Michael and I both jumped and went to our seats. I sat down slowly because the pain was too much to handle.

Tonight's dinner was hot dogs with Mac and cheese, and I was too hungry to pass up any meal, even if it was not that delicious sounding to me. It felt like I was locked in that room forever.

We ate dinner in silence which was unusual because usually the man and I at least tried to engage in conversation. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

I couldn't get what happened out of my head. The constant pain that was brought upon me mentally, physically, and emotionally.

I felt sick and decided to excuse myself and go take a shower. I got up from the table but was stopped by the man.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked setting his fork full of Mac and cheese down.

"To shower" I whispered weakly.

"Whatever. Go" he said dismissing me. I felt the tears erupt from my eyes. Just looking at him made it hurt more.

I got in the shower and washed myself at least 15 times,

But I still felt filthy.

I felt disgusting. I felt used. I felt pain. I felt horrible things and scrubbing myself over and over again wouldn't make those things go away.

I gave up and turned the shower off, getting dressed in clothes that were set out for me. The man must've set them there. Knowing he touched them made it worse.

I looked in the mirror while brushing my hair, feeling sick. I had scratches and bruises across my face, and a cut lip. I couldn't look anymore so I turned away and faced the shower to finish brushing the knots and tangles out of my long locks.

I walked out of the bathroom and into mine and Michaels room. He jumped up as I shut the door behind me and I went to my corner.

"Willow" he said coming over to me. I didn't respond, my throat still hurt from screaming for help. "Willow, you're hurt" he said stroking his thumb across my cheek.

I backed away from his hand, not wanting any sort of touch by anyone. Not wanting any sort of interaction with anyone.

"What did he do to you?" Michael asked. I began to feel my throat swell, and tears slip from my eyes. I threw myself onto Michael, letting the cries out.

He hugged me back and rubbed his hand up and down my back, in an attempt to make me feel better. I clenched his shirt, in anger and sadness.

"It's okay" he cooed.

"No it's not" I cried finally speaking up. My voice cracked in weakness, which made me sound like a preteen boy going through puberty.

"Shh, I have you now. He can't hurt you now" Michael reminded me. He got up and walked to his corner, getting his All Time Low blanket and his pillow and bringing it over.

He set it next to mine and laid down. He moved me close to him, and I rested my head on his chest. He covered us in the blanket and he gently rubbed my back.

"He can't hurt you when you're with me" he assured me pulling me close. He wiped my eyes and pet my wet hair, relaxing me with each touch.

My eyes started to close and my breath became heavier, signaling I was starting to fall asleep. Michael thought I was already asleep, because what he said next was something he wouldn't want me to hear awake.

"The roles switched I guess" he said with a light laugh. "Now I have to get you to trust me" he said. "I want to kill him" Michael said with a hint of anger. "I want to hurt him more than he hurt you. I don't know what he did, but whatever it was, I'll do worse" he said gritting his teeth.

His voice was dark and thick. Layered with anger, hatred, and determination.

"He took me into that room before, he brought Luke in there less than he brought me. He was always angry at me because I wouldn't speak to him" he said. "I stopped speaking the first time I went in there too, I was silent until Luke came. Luke got me to open up more, even start speaking to Carphil. Until he brought me in that room again, I never gave him a second chance. He was completely cut off" he said.

"He's a smart guy, he's not stupid. He'll do whatever he can to get you to talk to him again" he sighed. "But I don't want you to" he said. He fell silent for a moment. I kept my eyes closed and my breathing slow and heavy, still acting as if I was asleep.

"Maybe I'm just selfish and want you all to myself" he said. "Or maybe it's because you're one of the only people that has ever cared for me" he sighed.

"Before I was taken, my parents didn't pay much attention to me. That's why I was walking alone from school. They only cared until I was gone. Even then, maybe it's because their names and faces would be on the TV, their voices on the radio, and their quotes about missing their baby boy in the newspaper" he said. "My father was always at work, and when he wasn't working he was watching tv and drinking. He wouldn't even throw a baseball with me" he sighed. "My mom was in the middle of loving me and hating me. Some days she was nice, some days she wasn't so nice. Maybe it's because I was a high energy kid but she made me feel like I wasn't loved all of the time like how a mother should make her child feel" he said.

I desperately wanted to say something but I knew if I did, he'd stop.

"I'm too scared to tell you this for no apparent reason. Mostly because I just love how we find the best in this awful situation. We just laugh and have fun together even though we've been kidnapped and forced to live here" he said.

I smiled a little and I think he felt it, so he stopped talking and began to run his fingers through my hair.

I wanted to tell him what happened, but I couldn't even come to terms with it myself, how could I expect him to let that sink in? He already said he wanted to kill Carphil for the scratches on my face.

I didn't even want to call him Carphil. He didn't deserve a cool nickname. He deserved a shitty one. Or not one at all.

"I know you're awake" Michael said out of no where. "And I'm pretty sure you heard everything I said" he added.

I didn't respond, still trying to fool him but he was too smart for me.

"But I'm glad you heard" he said. "Because now you know all about me" he added.

I smiled and looked up at him giving away my cover. He sympathetically smiled back at me and pulled me even closer to him.

"Don't let me go" I said cuddling him.

"I could never" he cooed.

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