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"Can you hear me?" Was all I heard over and over again. "Can you hear me Willow?" He asked again.

It took everything I had to even try and open my eyes. It felt as if 50 pound weights were rested upon them, forcing them to stay closed. I tried to move, but I was too weak. Was I in acoma? Was I dying? Was I dead already?

I grumbled and I heard a sound. I made a sound, so I'm not dead.

"Is that a yes?" The voice asked again. I tried to grumble again, but my vocal chords hurt.

"Should I open her eyes?" The male voice asked.

"Don't mess with her. Wait for the doctor" a female voice said.

"But I can't wait for a doctor, I don't have patience" the voice replied.

"Then go visit Luke" the female voice said.

"What if she wakes up while I'm gone?" He asked.

"Michael, you can't sit around here every second waiting for her to wake up. You haven't visited Luke at all, don't you think he's upset?" The female asked. I put it together that it was Cassie talking, and Michael was talking with her.

"But he's awake, and she isn't" Michael said.

"Give her time" Cassie said. "It's only been two days" she added.

Two days?? I've been asleep for two days??

"I'm not leaving" he said grabbing my hand. I tried to squeeze it, and it was a success. "She squeezed my hand Cassie" Michael smiled.

"Willow are you there?" Cassie asked.

"Mmhm" I grunted. "I'm here" I whispered.

"Thank god, she's not dead, you looked dead, I didn't think you were dead, but you looked dead, and-"

"Stop rambling Cassie" Michael said. I fluttered my eyes and they slowly began to open, and I smiled at my friends staring down at me.

"Hey there bud" Cassie smirked.

"Hi" I murmured.

"How're ya feelin'?" She asked sitting on the bed. But this wasn't my bed, this was a crummy hospital bed.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Oh my god.. DOES SHE HAVE AMNESIA?!?!" Cassie gasped.

"No! Oh my god chill out" I laughed.

"You're in the hospital, you had a really bad panic attack" Michael explained placing his hand on my wrist in sympathy. He gently glided it up and down my arm in comfort, trying to make me feel better.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Victor, you saw him" Michael explained. "You saw him dead" he added. My body froze. He was actually gone. Not breathing. No pulse. No movement. No talking. No hurting anyone. Dead.

"But don't worry about that" Cassie said rescuing me from my thoughts.

"When can I go home?" I asked.

"I don't know, soon though, I promise" she smiled. I nodded and she grabbed her purse from the corner. "Alright I gotta head out, Calum is bringing me to meet his parents tonight and I tried to reschedule but their schedules are booked for the next month" she sighed.

"It's okay, don't worry about me. I'll text you later" I said.

"I love you honey, feel better" she said kissing my forehead.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Cya Mikey" she said hugging him.

"I don't get a forehead kiss?! That's discrimination. Is it because my hair is red?!" He whined.

"No, it's not because your hair looks like a fire truck" she said. "But I'll give you a smooch too" she smiled kissing his forehead.

"Hey! Don't smooch my skittle!" I whined. Cassie laughed and Michael smirked like a goof.

"Oh look! Now his cheeks look like a fire truck too!" Cassie teased. I laughed and Michael just blushed even harder causing my heart to flutter.

"You guys are bullying me" he pouted.

"Oh my gosh, you're a loser" Cassie joked causing us all to laugh. "I'll see you guys later" she added before exiting.

"Am I really your skittle?" He asked once Cassie was gone.

"Mmhm" I mumbled. He must've thought I was tired, when in reality talking just hurt. He wiggled into the bed next to me and slid his arm under my head, causing me to use it as a pillow.

"How're you really feeling?" He asked.

"Like shit" I admitted.

"I'm sorry" he sighed resting his head on top of mine. "In brighter news, I think I wanna be a purple skittle next" he giggled.

"You're a loser" I laughed.

"Will you dye your ends purple to match me still?" He asked.

"Of course I will" I smiled.

"Good" he said kissing my head. "You never answered me you know" he added.

"Answered you about what?" I asked.

"Maybe you really do have amnesia..." he teased.

"Shut up and tell me!" I laughed playfully punching his stomach. I did remember, I remembered exactly what happened. I just wanted him to say it again. I wanted him to ask me once more to be his girlfriend. The feeling of being permanently loved by him made my heart flutter.

He sat up and pulled me up with him. I was a little dizzy and the room suddenly become brighter and blurry but after locking my irises with his, everything was steady once more.

"I asked you if uh... if you uh liked hot sauce" he said scratching the back of his neck. My compassionate heart suddenly overcame with sadness and I looked down.

"No, I don't like hot sauce" I sighed.

"Okay" he said. We sat in silence for what felt like forever until he spoke up once more. "Screw it" he said. He placed his index finger on my chin, lifting it up, and crashing his lips onto mine. Every time we did this, I still felt the same butterflies overcome me and fireworks mentally crashing in the background of our kissing scenes. He disconnected, suddenly putting out the mental fireworks with a mental hose.

"I didn't ask you if you liked hot sauce, I asked you if you'd be my girlfriend" he said. I chuckled and a big smile creeped itself onto my face. I leaned in once more and kissed him again, claiming him as mine. He disconnected again, putting out the fireworks once more. "Is that a yes?" He asked.

"Of course it is you red skittle" I laughed leaning in once more. He put his pointer finger on my lips and stopped the forward motion.

"That's future purple skittle to you, missy" he said. I giggled and he pressed his lips to mine once more before cuddling next to me and falling asleep with his arms wrapped around me.

But yo, what's Luke gonna think :-(

Qotd: have you ever been in a hospital? I've had surgery one time and when my grandma and grandpa had surgeries I visited them there a lot and I sang at a few hospitals before.

I love you alllllllll soooooo muuuuuuch and don't be silent readers

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