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Luke was already at the dinner table with Carphil when Michael and I arrived. We sat in our spots and began to eat in silence, yet again, until Carphil spoke up.

"How are you guys doing with the rooming situation? Everyone getting along?" He asked trying to push our patience.

"Yes actually, we're all very close already" I smiled.

"Yeah, I can tell, two of you a little too close it seems" he said before shoving a forkful of salad in his mouth.

"Do you have a problem with that?" I asked sipping my water.

"No, not at all, but I know some one who might" he said looking at Luke. Luke froze with the fork of salad in front of his mouth as we all stared at him, so he awkwardly and slowly moved it into his mouth and chewed until we all took our eyes off of him.

We then fell into silence and I kicked Luke's leg under the table. He looked up at me and I winked at him, signaling I was ready. He nodded and I felt my heart begin to fasten its beating pace.

I kicked Michael's leg under the table and he looked over at me. The way he looked at me is a look that will forever be burnt in my brain. It was a look of fear, affection, sadness and hurt all in one simple stare.

"I'm not feeling too well, I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight" I said pulling the napkin that rested on my lap off of me and onto my plate.

"Okay, feel better, if you want some medicine let me know" Carphil said.

"Thank you, but I'll be okay if I just sleep it off. Thanks for the offer" I said.

"Okay, goodnight" he said.

"Goodnight. See you in the morning" I said. I ended our conversation on a good note because if I never saw him again, I'd want to end it a nice way. Even though he hurt me in ways I never imagined, I wanted my last conversation with him to be a nice one so that's how I could remember him. Instead of remembering the bad sides, I wanted to remember the good ones so my memories won't haunt me as much.

I stood around the corner of the hallway, waiting for Luke to cause a distraction. Waiting for him to do something, and then, he finally did.

I heard him coughing and wheezing like he was choking.

"Luke!" Carphil exclaimed. I then heard footsteps run over to him, signaling Carphil had gotten up to help him. I peeked my head around the corner and Carphil wasn't facing my direction.

I ran in and Michael watched me the whole way. I moved the bookshelf slowly and cautiously and as Luke said, there was a pitch black hallway.

I looked back at Michael who was looking back at me and ignoring Luke's fake choking scene and he mouthed "I'll see you soon" before I entered the hallway and moved the bookshelf back.

I saw nothing in front of me, at all. I tried to feel around the walls to the sides of me and in front of me, but I was scared. I hated the dark, what if some one jumped out or something?

Snap out of it Willow, and suck it up. Do it for Michael and Luke, they're counting on you.

Then I remembered Michael's iPod. I pulled it out of my pocket and pressed the home button and the screen lit up. I used the light from the screen to guide my way through the hallway, and then I saw the staircase.

I could practically see the huge smile on my face and I ran up those stairs with everything I had. I was going to be able to smell the fresh air, feel the breeze, see the stars, touch the grass, and do everything I haven't been able to do for months.

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