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"Glad you decided to come back" Maggie smiled. "And I'm glad you brought a friend" she added acknowledging Michael. We stood up and walked together to her office. We entered and took a seat next to each other as Maggie sat behind her desk.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Michael" he said.

"It's a pleasure. I've heard much about you" she smiled. He smiled back and she pulled out the same notepad and pen as she did when I was here before.

"What's that?" Michael asked.

"I'm just taking notes on our session" she clarified. He nodded as she flipped to a clean page. "So where should we start?" She asked tip toeing her way around our emotions. We both shrugged and she bit her lip. "Well, how about Michael, since I've heard a little bit from Willow, how about we start with you" she said.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" He asked.

"Whatever you want to talk about" she said. He inhaled deeply, followed by a forceful exhale. I grabbed his hand and gently rubbed my thumb against his hand, showing him it's okay to talk.

"I'm sorry I'm just a bit nervous" he explained.

"It's okay, whatever you're uncomfortable telling me, you don't have to tell me right away. Everything takes time Michael, trust takes time. Don't feel like you have to automatically trust me the first time we've been introduced. It was a little easier for Willow since she is close to Rob so she felt close to me already. Take all of the time you need dear" she said.

"Thank you" he smiled. "I umm... can start with the day I was taken?" he said.

"Sure, anything you want to get out of your mind you can let it out here" she said. He inhaled and exhaled again, and started to fiddle with the hem of his shirt with the opposite hand I was sympathetically comforting.

"I was out on the lawn in the front yard, riding my bike across the grass, probably even blowing a few bubbles" he started. "My parents were inside, my father drinking, my mum doing the dishes, neither of them even bothering to check on me. I don't even know why they had me if they didn't care about me or why they didn't put me up for adoption" he sighed.

"They did love you Michael, nobody realizes what they have and how important it is until it's gone" she said.

"But they didn't care! One time I ate dish soap and had a stomach ache and they didn't even bother to take me to the doctors! They just said 'you'll get over it'! What kind of parenting is that?!" He asked as his temper began to raise.

"It's okay Michael" I reminded him. He closed his eyes and relaxed his risen posture, squeezing my hand. "Tell us what happened next" I said. He nodded and opened his eyes once his anger had calmed and began to speak again.

"I was playing and a car drove up to me. The typical 'I lost my dog, I'll give you candy if you help me find him' and I knew he was lying. I knew he wasn't telling me the truth but I helped him in the hopes he'd take me away from them. I was stupid enough to go with him and leave my parents. But the sad thing is, at the end of the day, Victor treated me better than they even did. I felt more loved with Victor than I ever did with my actual parents. And that's something I'll never forget about him. He actually cared about me, Luke and Willow. He thought of us as his children, his own. That's all he ever wanted was kids and love from them and for awhile I did give him love. Then Luke came and I was jealous of him. Luke was younger than me and got more attention and he didn't even want it. Luke just wanted to go home. So I yelled at Victor one day and he beat me. That's the real reason why I stopped talking. I was jealous. And I lied to you and never told you the real story Willow, I'm sorry" he said.

"It's okay, don't be sorry. I forgive you" I said. We fell into silence and the scrape of Maggie's pen across the paper was the only sound filling he room. She placed the pen on the paper and brought her attention back to us.

"Taking in that love and affection is nothing to be ashamed of Michael, your parents didn't give you love, feeling lonely was the only feeling you felt and some one finally gave you the attention you craved and when Luke came in, everything was different. It's the same as if an only child's parents had a second child and don't get the attention anymore. It's a feeling of envy and hurt that comes upon them and they just break" she explained. Michael nodded and his face started to flush into a light pink of embarrassment at the fact that his parent figure was his kidnapper. "Is there anything else you would like to add?" She asked.

"No thank you ma'am" he said.

"Willow? Do you want to talk?" She asked directing the spotlight on me.

"I dunno" I said. "Everyone knows the story of my abduction, and knows most of my experience in that house. Countless confrontations, meetings, interviews, everything you could think of. What else is there you want to know? Look me up on google, I'm sure you can find my whole life story now" I said. "People eat this stuff up. The simple, rich suburban girl gets her world flipped upside down and gets kidnapped. I shouldn't be surprised they're all in my business" I sighed.

"The key is, they only know what you want them to know. They can't know what you don't let them" she said.

They can't know what I don't let them.

They can only know what I want them to know.

That sunk in my skin, crawling into my veins, following my bloodstream, finding its way to a permanent settlement in my brain and on my heart.

They can only know what I want them to know.

"I think that's enough for today" Maggie said pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded and the three of us stood up and exited the room, finding our way back to my mum whom was sitting in the waiting room scrolling through Facebook on her phone.

"How'd it go?" She asked once she realized we were in front of her.

"Really well" I said looking back at Maggie. She smiled at my words and my mother stood up.

"Slushee?" She asked Michael and I.

"Hell yeah" we said in unison.
The next chapter is the epilogue.
Unfortunately, this story is coming to an end.

I'm awful at being sappy but I'm so incredibly thankful for all the reads, all the comments, and all the votes. I read every comment and laugh at your jokes and reactions and love it. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you, this story really shows my maturity as a writer seeing as my first story I deleted because it was so awful. Thank you guys so so so so so much, I love you guys more than you'll ever know, and there's more stories coming soon. My next fanfiction is about Calum, and him and his sworn enemy, Brooke become the last people on earth and they have to work together despite their past to find out what is happening.

Love you all so much and don't be silent readers!

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