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"I'll do a countdown before I actually do it" Carlos warned as he lined up the needle with Michael's eyebrow.

"Okay" Michael said calmly. His hand was intertwined with mine, scarcely holding on.

"Are you ready?" Carlos asked.

"Mmhm" Michael hummed.

"Okay... one.. two... three" he said. At three, he plunged the needle into Michael's eyebrow and Michael curled his toes and clenched my hand.

"See, it wasn't that bad, only hurts for a second" Carlos said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right!" Michael said, proud that he did it.

"Okay, time for the piercing" he said replacing the needle with a piercing. The jewelry had two black spheres, one that laid above his eyebrow, and one that laid below.

"You're all set" Carlos said grabbing a mirror and holding it up to Michael's face so he can see.

"I look punk rock" he said.

"You're far from punk rock honey" I said patting his back sympathetically.

"Wait.." Michael said. "Don't you remember that deal we made?" He asked.

"What deal?" I asked.

"If I got an eyebrow piercing, you'd get a nose piercing" he said.

"I have time to do your nose" Carlos offered.

"No, no, I think your schedule is pretty full" I said trying to get my way out of it.

"No it's not, sit down and I'll get your stuff ready. A stud or a hoop?" He asked.

"Honestly, I don't need it to-"

"We'll have a stud" Michael interrupted.

"You're such an ass, what are my parents going to say?!" I asked.

"They're going to say 'wow Willow! That looks great on you!'" Michael said. I rolled my eyes and sat on the table, waiting for Carlos to get back.

Once he did, he came back with a needle and a box of diamond studs to choose from.

"The same thing I said to Michael applies to you, we only use new needles, never reuse, we are one hundred percent sanitary" he said with a smile while showing off the rows of different earrings.

"Pick for me, I don't wanna see it, it's just gonna scare me even more" I said laying back and closing my eyes.

"She'll take that one" Michael said. "My eyebrow hurts" he whined.

"Well no duh, a needle just went through it" I said. Carlos entered the room again with everything he needed and came over to me. I closed my eyes even tighter, I was scared for my life.

"On a scale of one to ten, how bad does this hurt?" I asked.

"I mean it's a needle going through your nose, it's gonna hurt, but you're not going to die and the pain only lasts a few seconds" he said. "I'm just lining up the needle, not doing anything yet, I promise" he said. I felt the tip of the needle rest on my nose and something slip into my nostril.

"This feels so freaking weird" I groaned. Carlos chuckled a little and Michael grabbed my hand.

"Okay I'm going to give you a countdown too" he said.

"Okay, my heart is beating so fast" I squirmed.

"Just relax, take a deep breath in your nose, and out your mouth" he said. I obeyed, and felt a little more relaxed. "You just can't move a lot, okay?" He reminded me.

"Okay, let's get this over with" I said.

"Alright, you go girl" he said causing Michael and I to chuckle. He lined up the needle again, and my heart stared to race again. "Okay, ready?" He asked.

"Yeah" I quickly said before I could change my mind.

"Okay, three.. two.. one" and at the count of one, a pain shot through my nose and I squealed in pain.

"Mother fudger!" I exclaimed.

"You can swear, it's fine, people do it all of the time" Carlos said.

"That fucking hurt" I said.

"Your eyes are going to begin to water, it's completely normal, but just stay still while I put in the jewelry" he said.

"Okay" I said. He put the stud in and removed the needle and I didn't even feel that part.

"All done" Carlos said. I opened my eyes and he handed me a tissue to wipe the tears away. He held up a mirror and I had to admit, I looked pretty bad ass.

"I'll be damned. You actually did it" Michael said.

"I know! I didn't chicken out!" I said, pretty proud of myself.

"Great! Now how about some ear piercings?" Michael winked.

"Let's do it" I said.

"WAIT REALLY?" Michael asked in a tone identical to a child's.
"Well, this is new" my mum said as Michael and I walked through the door.


"We kinda did a make over" I said.

"Your hair.... is red...." my mum said.

"Yeah" Michael smiled.

"You look like a skittle" my dad said.

"Am I a tasty skittle?" Michael asked.

"That's just gross Mikey..." I said.

"That came out wrong" he defended.

"And the ends of your hair looks like a skittle" my dad said.

"I didn't dye my whole head incase I didn't like it and because I don't want to damage it so I just did an ombré and did it red so I could match Michael" I said twirling it to show it off.

"And what about the nose and the eyebrow?" My mum asked.

"That was a deal we made, if I pierced my eyebrow then she'd pierce her nose. And then we got our ears done in heat of the moment" Michael added.

"Your ears too?!?!" My dad said.

"The ears aren't that bad William, calm down" my mum assured him. "And I think you guys pull of the piercings and the skittle hair" my mum said.

"Yay she supports our crazy make overs!" Michael cheered giving me a high five.

"She might, but I don't" my dad said.

"One is better than none" I said.

"True, I guess, just come eat dinner before it gets cold" my dad sighed in defeat.

"We win" I smirked.
If you know who told Michael his hair looks like a skittle is in real life, I love you. (If you don't know *cough* song reference *cough* it was Karen Clifford)

Qotd: do you have any piercings/tattoos/fun hair colors? I have two ear lobe piercings and a cartilage piercing, no tattoos, and no crazy hair color :-(

Love you all and don't be silent readers!

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