one :: egg babies

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one :: egg babies

The second bell rang just as I had stepped foot on my chemistry class. Damn! Talk about luck when you needed the most. "Miss. Goodman" my chemistry teacher Cawke said, adjusting his glasses. He looked at me through his clear glasses, so clear that you wouldn't see a faint stain on them.

"Miss Goodman, you're late" Cawke said. It irritated me so much that he had to say my name twice, as if emphasizing the "Good" part of my last name.

"Oh no, sir. I might have been deaf when I heard the second bell ring" I replied back, my voice dripping in sarcasm. Cawke's face showed irritation and annoyance as he bent down to retrieve a blue detention slip. He grabbed his pen and started scribbling, his head bent. It gave me the opportunity to examine his balding head, there was a few fine hairs sticking out of his shiny bald head.

"Here is your detention slip," he said, his hand extended out for me to grab the slip from him. I snatched it away and was just about to sit down myself, when the door swung open. The intruder was the last person I wanted to see.

I felt my cheeks warmed, very aware that my face was the colour of my copper curls. I heard my bald teacher said, dryly. "Mr. Phillips, you're late as well. I wonder what kept you so late as well" I grabbed my textbooks out of my bag, and placed them on the surface of my table. Then I heard a low answer from the bad boy himself, "Nothing really important, Mr. Cawke. Just got hold up"

I stifled a laugh, not wanting to draw attention to myself. I didn't want to be called "Bipolar" or "The-girl-who-talks-to-herself" it was bad enough that I caught the famous bad boy and his blonde bimbo about to do it in the girls' bathroom. Just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine, perhaps being the only girl who hadn't lost her virginity yet had its own disadvantages. Such as feeling awkward and painfully shy whenever someone had to say the S word, let alone doing it in a school bathroom.

I heard Cawke take out another blue slip, and scribbled on it. Then, "Here you go, you may sit next to Miss. Goodman since there's no seat available anymore. Try to be on time next time" I heard Henry's low reply, "Yes, sir."

Oh, no. Please no. I was freaking out, my fingers started fiddling. Stupid damn nerves, my mind couldn't function properly with Henry being around me. It only made matters worst when I caught him making out with that bimbo girl. Stupid Leona Goodman. Why did it have to be me?

I lifted my head when I felt eyes on me, and just as I had thought Henry Phillips was standing before me. A stupid smirk glued on his face. I was definitely having a good day. I must have hit the record of "Bad Days" since my stupid fuck boyfriend broke up with me and I was trapped with this bad boy next to me whom I caught having an affair with some blonde bimbo in the girls' bathroom. Could life get any better?

I sighed, and brought my attention back to my chemistry books. It was bad enough that I was failing this class, and I didn't want to repeat my final senior year again. The papers beside me rustled, just then I remembered the most hottest boy in school was sitting beside me. I wasn't thrilled or anything, not like most girls' would if they were in my position.

"Now, chemistry isn't just all about acid and bases. I thought of a way to make things a little fun for you all-" Mr Cawke started to say, but I was interrupted from listening when Henry's hand appeared in front of my desk and a note replaced his long, masculine fingers. I stared at it, unsure whether to ignore it or open the note and read whatever it was written on.

My curiosity won. I looked up to Cawke behind my lashes, and opened the note Henry gave me.

I lost a good fuck there, you know?

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