sixteen :: party

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sixteen :: party

"What do you want, Phillips?"

I knew immediately that it was my Brother Chris's voice that loomed over the thin walls of our house. And judging by the tone of his gruff voice, I took it that he wasn't happy to see the person standing on our doorway. Since it was the only one and only Henry Phillips. 

That was the thing though, I had five older siblings. Yes, I was emphasizing the words "older siblings" because of the fact that they could be such a pain in the bum. Every single one of them. Starting with Chris whose voice continued to boomed loudly against the barriers we call walls. Chris was the oldest, you see. He had taken his role as the eldest very seriously ever since we were little kids, and I really do respect him for that since he was eight years older than me and had sacrificed a lot of things I'd lost count. But that didn't mean I could not be annoyed with him. 

"I'm here to see, Leona" came Henry's response which his voice seemed a little brighter than he should have intended and probably only pissed my brother even more. One of the facts that I could tell about my brother was that he was hot-headed and did not understand the word patience. Not that I could blame him because I could be stubborn and hot-headed myself. 

"Why do you want to see my little sister?" my hot-headed growled, I could just imagine his nose flaring in hatred and his body positioned as if he was ready to pounce at Henry. 

"Were going out," Henry replied, sounding so sure of himself as if he didn't notice the way Chris was talking to him or maybe he just chose to ignore it. Either way, it seemed like it didn't bothered him at all.

"Going out where?" my Brother Chris's voice risen up a notch. That wasn't always a good sign because he was sort-of dangerous whenever he was angry. Not that he would try to choke the life out my fake-boyfriend or anything like that, but to be total honest I assumed he would really just like to do that. If he was given the opportunity, I would predict that he would the moment someone give him the blessing of murdering Henry Phillips. Which will leave me with my bruised, and guilty conscience and I couldn't let that happen. Not in a million years. 

But this question and answer conversation had to stop. 

 I ran around my room, trying to collect the stuff I needed to bring with me. I took a deep breath and stole a glance at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing a black tight dress, so tight that it felt like a glove that only clung to my body. It even made my boobs look a bit bigger, and I turned around to look at my back rear. Wondering if it looked big in this dress that I was wearing. Oh who cares! It was just a stupid party that Henry had and I was just basically going with him right? Just a public thing that we had to do for the sake of pretending that we have a relationship right? 

Right, Leona.

I huffed and grabbed a pair of heels on my way to my bedroom door to get Henry out of my brother's questioning stare and prevent him from torturing Henry even farther. I nearly tripped when I hurriedly descended the stairs, and I gave a yelp and bit my tongue from crying out the second time. Heels on, and squiggling in my dress I managed to make it in one piece at the end of the step of the stairs. 

I had a feeling that my brother was not going to like the piece of cloth that I was wearing. Although, I didn't know whether I should call it a dress or maybe a piece of small cloth? Perhaps, neither? I shook my head and ruffled my red slightly, trying not to ruin the up-do hairstyle Danika had done on me when she came over earlier. 

My heart was thudded, and I swallowed. The good girl inside me had gone wild and a tiny part of me still had that nagging voice inside my head, telling me to stop this insanity and go back to wearing my baggy shirts and my old pair of jeans. But I couldn't possibly stop now here, could I? Not when I'd half-harassed and half-dragged my own best friend to get to my house and do my make-up? 

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