eight :: ex-boyfriend

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eight :: ex-boyfriend

My ex-boyfriend was back.

Dane Ramirez was back in town, and it was like I caught a plague that contained anxiety and goose bumps that ran up your arm and back. I even tried searching it on Google if there were a medicine for such a thing, but with the lack of chemistry within me, I didn't find any of course. Which had been such a stupid thing to do in the first place because I knew the only medicine I could take was to face my ex-boyfriend whom dumped me over a text. A freaking text. I didn't need anyone to point out that he was a self-witty jerk who didn't had the balls to tell me in person that he was breaking up with me. Although, through the past months I spent with him, I wondered if I could call that a "relationship" when truly, Dane treated me like I never existed. It implied to me that he just wanted one thing that boys wanted, sex.

My cheeks flared red just as the thought came to me so fast like a fart went out. Nobody knew about my break-up with my lousy ex of course, it was just my best friend Danika. And it wasn't like people would be interested in me if I tell them, considering my love life was lacking of excitement and late night updates about my social and love life. 

"Aren't you going to eat that?" Henry asked, looking down at the pizza I hadn't touched. 

"No," I shook my head and pushed it towards him. 

I picked my steel fork up and played with my salad absently. Holton and Danika were sitting across from me and Henry while we ate lunch on the cafeteria. Danika had that amused look on her face, which indicated she was studying me and Mr. Casanova beside me. The corners of her lips tilted slightly, and stuffed her sandwich into her mouth before I could say ask her what she was on about.

"Why the sad face, Lenny girl?" she mumbled through mouthfuls of her tuna sandwich. She was trying to find a way to get information out of me but I seemed to fail her every time she prodded. Danika could never passed as a nosy girl, but she could get someone's nerve if she wanted to. I looked up from my plate as I felt an icy glare shooting towards my way, I didn't have to really guess who it was. Hayley Vonne. It didn't take a demented person to get why she was shooting dagger looks at me. 

I stirred in my seat, feeling uncomfortable under her angry eyes. I turned my attention back to Danika instead, and answered ruefully, "I'm not pulling the sad face, Dan. Don't exaggerate" 

"I'll say. You've got that puppy sad eyes look, sweetheart. What's up with you?" Henry chimed in, and leaned his head closer to study me. He'd been sitting with us for the last week or so, to avoid Hayley, I presume. I'd been on the hot-list and not to mention I made the number one spot. Normally, any girl would feel flattered that popular, cheerleader Hayley would be paying attention to them, but I wasn't. She was probably planning to find a way to corner me like a scared cat and claw my face off. Even her little death eaters shot death looks towards my way whenever I walk by. 

"What are you guys doing for the weekend?" Holton asked, changing the subject. I rewarded him a small smile and went back to playing my food. I had enough in my plate as it was, I didn't have to think about my to-do list for the weekend if my ex-boyfriend was back in town. 

"Shopping, probably" Danika answered, I shot a quizzical look on her way. "What? Can't someone go to the mall and shop?"

I rolled my eyes, my best friend had her melodramatic act on again. Her day seemed like it wasn't going good at all; just like mine had been. "And anyway, it's nearly Christmas. I need to do my Christmas shopping if I want to give you give you guys and my family presents" she continued. 

"What about on Saturday night?" Henry prodded, and lifted a brow. 

"You know, the usual" I answered,

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