four :: sweet cheeks

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four :: sweet cheeks

"As you may or may not know that mammals and insects share the same gas exchange. They both breathe air as well as live in land. Therefore they are exposed to drying out and has the risk of dehydration. Compare to fish, which does not have to worry about dehydration because they live under water. They maintain a steap concentration gradient flows on the opposite direction to water, which indicates that the percentage of water is less than one percent."

I was sitting in my biology class, listening to my bio teacher talk about Gaseous Exchange which will help me get a higher mark for the upcoming test if I listen a lot harder. But since my teacher seemed to talk gibberish now, my mind zoned out a little bit.

That simple kiss on the cheek Henry gave me this morning gave everyone something to talk about on, some was way too interested that they even followed me and Danika to class.

It was absurd and silly. But I couldn't help but recall the kiss, his lips was so soft and warm against my pink cheek. It had been wonderful and embarrassing, but it made me tingly and warm inside. It was like I turned into a jelly. Of course I didn't tell my best friend that because I knew Danika would ask me a million questions. But the kiss bothered me quite a lot, because I was never kissed on the cheeks before, not by a boy in that case. I'd always received one from my family but never by a boy before, not Dane who never made an attempt to kiss me on the cheeks nor on the lips. He probably just wanted the one thing from me.

I shook the thought aside and returned my attention back to my biology teacher who seemed to go on about the lesson. She was still comparing mammals, fish and insects Gas Exchange, "Mammals have lungs compare to insects; they don't. There are numerous of alveoli in Mammals, and our trachea leads into two branches. Which are Bronchi and Bronchioles"

I just wished this lesson would stop already. I glanced at the clock that was set above my teacher, there was ten minutes remaining before the bell ring. I managed to keep myself sane just then, as the bell rang for morning tea break. I couldn't wait to get away.

I grabbed my books, and headed out. Juniors and seniors were everywhere in the hall, like they were some little ants that didn't which way to go so they had to stick together. I crushed the idea of rolling my eyes to myself, which wasn't such a good idea if I did because some people might think I went insane or something.

"Leona! Over here!"

A familiar voice called out, I whipped around to see Holton waving his way towards me. Holton was tall, with broad shoulders and light brown hair. He was a worn denim pants along with a camouflage shirt. 

I waited for him patiently as he managed to dodge some guy's fat wrist who seemed to be so unaware of doing it, "Hey" I said, once he was standing next to me. 

"Hi," Holton smiled, showing off a dimple. 

I would deny it, my friend was cute. But I just don't find myself liking him in a like, like way. He'd be always my friend to me, and he seemed to be cool with it too. We headed for the fields, not talking. It had always been just like that between me and him, not talking much. It wasn't an awkward silence but rather a comfortable one. 

I glanced to my right then to my left, the dang place seemed to be full of students. I was about to tell Holton there wasn't any space left when I caught a tree far away from the other stinky kids, and I smiled to myself, peace at last.

"Come on, there's a small space by that tree" I led him to our destination, and I dumped my bag on the grass. The wind had picked up its speed a little, blowing my red hair. I flopped down next to Holton and opened my bag to take my lunch out. It was a cheeseburger with pickles. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, I hated pickles. 

"What's wrong?" Holton asked, looking at me funny.

I made a face, and showed him the limp pickles between my burger. "Pickles, I hate them" I shuddered when I took it out and threw it in the bin.

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