twenty five :: party crasher

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Summary: Leona Goodman is the typical good girl in a cliche story while in the meantime, Henry Phillips is the "bad boy" per se in this story. Leona is awkward, and shy compare to Henry, he is one of the confident guys and not to mention popular in Eastview High. So basically, they pretty much compliments each other's personalities. Now moving forward, Leona and Henry are now together and dating. Although their story hadn't ended yet in a way most of you wanted. So no happily-ever-after or sad ending yet. 

twenty five :: party crasher

        "Missed me, my sweet Leona?" Dane's voice seemed to ring out the whole room. Although, that was such an exaggeration. I didn't know whether it was just me or if anyone else feel it, the room had gotten really humid and sweat was trickling down my neck and forehead. Ruining my make-up was the last thing I had to worry about considering that my ex-boyfriend was back again. And I didn't what the hell he wanted this time. 

   Missed me, my sweet Leona?

  Ugh. How I hate that word he used to call me. 

   I swallowed hard, my lips had gone parchment dry again. "What are you doing here, Dane?" 

   He frowned, as if the question had caught him off guard. For a moment I thought I was being rude but then everything had happened before came crashing before my eyes. His eyes glinted, as if he was planning on something to do. 

  "Now don't talk to me like that sweety-pie. I've missed you" Before I knew what he was about to do, he came forward and hugged me tight against him. To some people, our position might look as if it was very sweet and caring. Although, in reality to me it wasn't. His arms had snaked around me, holding me tight against his hard, bony and it seemed then I realized that Dane was a little too skinny for my liking. 

  "Get off me, Dane!" I said, trying to push him off me. 

  "Playing hard to get eh? I like that, darling Leona" my ex said, and just then I noticed that his words slightly slurred as if he was a little drunk himself. I caught a whiff of his breath, and just then my theory was right. He was drunk and I didn't know whether he knew what he was doing or not. 

  "I said, let go!" I said, feeling my voice rise up a notch. I craned my neck, so that I could see over his shoulder. I had already lost my best friend in sight and I didn't know where Danika was. I made a mental note to kill her a little bit later as soon as I got this big of a faggot off me. 

  I was about to open my mouth and cry out for help when Dane placed a hand over my mouth and I didn't know what had happened then. I was somehow paralyzed, stuck in that same spot as he dragged my rigid body towards somewhere else. The music became distant, people's bodies came out of view and all I knew was I was being sucked into darkness. 

  Then came a rattling noise and it must have a door being open, as it hit the wall with a loud thud. My mind was working perfectly, but my body refused to work even as my mind shouted to elbow Dane over the stomach. 

  Then I was being forced to sit. On a warm, inviting velvety surface which I assumed to be a bed. At that moment, I came back to myself. My body started working, my lungs burning from the cut of oxygen. I had my mouth opened, air came rushing back into my windpipe. 

  Then came the lights. Dane's face came into view. 

  The first thing I noticed was how red his eyes were, as if he had been crying. His shirt had been torn into little shreds and I wondered if I had done that. Although, looking at the scratches on his chest, I wouldn't have to guess that it was me who had done it. 

  "Now that wasn't hard, was it dear Leona?" he said, his voice had a menacing tone laced along with it. 

    "Dane, what are you doing?" I said, my voice came out as a croak. I whipped my head to the side, taking my surroundings in. Realizing that I was in the same room as my ex-boyfriend. My dress had ridden up and came around my upper thighs. My fingers quickly fumbled with my dress and then it was back to its normal place again. Which had been just before my kneecaps. 

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