five :: tickle monster

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five :: tickle monster

I felt the car jerk to a stop, and luckily, I managed to grab hold of the dashboard  before I bumped my head. I sent Henry a dagger look from where I was sitting, and said, "Try to be more careful the next time, will you?"

"Sorry," he said, not looking sorry at all.

I opened the passenger door before he could, and let myself out. A gasp tore from my lips when I saw a great big mansion in front of me, the house was painted in a cream colour. "Wow, you've got a nice house" I said to Henry, tilting my head to the side.

He shrugged, not looking impressed at all. "Yeah, I guess. Come on, I'll introduce you to my family and I'm sure Candy will like you"

I didn't ask who Candy was, instead I followed him as his feet hit the hard pavement. We walked side by side as we got to his porch and Henry opened the door for me, ushering me inside. My top was already drenched from the rain, and since I didn't being any umbrella to my luck, my lace bra could already be seen underneath my wet shirt.

We entered the house, and I was surprised by how elegant it looked. There was a brown mantelpiece set at the side of the living room; giving the room a warm surrounding. There was a grand staircase at the other side, and a small little coffee table in the middle while it was surrounded with cream sofas. The Phillips family seemed to be obsessed with cream colour, I thought as Henry led me to the kitchen.

As soon as we entered the kitchen, loud children's voices vibrated against the walls. It turned into happy shrieks and laughter when we emerged into the room, two little kids were sat by the tiled floor which whom were twins judging by their looks even though the one was a girl and the other was a boy. A fifteen-year old girl sitting on one of the stool, punching away on her phone keypad.

Her light blonde head looked up, seeing me and Henry as if it was the first time. Her face broke into a massive grin, and shrieked "Henry! Oh my gosh, you brought her!" she jumped off the stool and came over to crush her brother in a hug, whilst Henry patted his sister on the back and she got off him. Then she turned to me with the biggest smile I'd even seen on someone, "You're Leona, right?"

"Yeah," I returned her smile back, couldn't help myself. "You're candy?"

"Yeah! Hen here, told me a lot about you!" Candy said, her blonde hair flipping to the side enthusiastically. "Do you want to see my room?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but Henry beat me up to it. "Later, Cand's. She needs to change first, then you can kidnap her later"

His sister's beautiful face fell, and I suddenly had the urge to reassure his sister. "I won't be long though" I reassured, smiling.

"All right, don't be long!"

I nodded, and Henry led me to his room. He took the stairs two at a time, and I was forced to do the same since he had long legs and long strides. "Here's Gabby and George's room" he pointed to a door painted in light blue colour and he waved to another room which seemed like his parents' room judging by the composition of the room. And we stopped in front of Candy's room, which suited her just fine because she was a big fan of candies and lollies. 

And then it was Henry's room, and you couldn't have mistaken it by anyone else's because there was a lot of clothes thrown around the room and there was an Xbox controller lying by itself by his bed. And his bed wasn't even made. His room definitely looked worse than any of my brothers. Or mine.

Henry walked over to his closet and took a shirt of it. He threw it at my face, and I snatched it off and glared at him. "What is this?"

"A shirt, obviously. And you need to get change, you're soaking wet. So wet, I could see your lace bra underneath" he said, a smirk back on his face.

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