twenty seven :: appointment

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twenty seven :: appointment


 I was sick. 

   I knew it the moment I sneezed. It was one of those moments when you couldn't stop your nose from drooling with snots. Disgusting, I know. I reached out and pulled a few more tissues, wiping my nose. I didn't have to look in the mirror to know my nose was running, not to mention that it must be bright red. Just like the colour of my hair. Although, a little redder than the strands of my hair, of course. 

    I stretched my legs in front of me and touched my covered toes with my fingers. I was still in my pajamas and I didn't bother changing when I got off my bottom and walked downstairs to tell my parents' I had the common cold. I dragged my sore and heavy body towards the kitchen to find the rest of the Goodman family eating their breakfast like we usually do every morning. I had a sense of deja vu as I realized that this was the same scene when my two older brothers' were talking about Henry and the scene in the bathroom. The first time I'd actually had an interaction with him. 

    Not exactly an interaction but it was as close as it could get. 

   "Morning, everyone" I said cheerfully, although it didn't sound as cheerful as I wanted it to be. I flopped down on a chair and draped an arm over my eyes. I could immediately feel the heat radiating off my eyes which was never a good sign. I had a sinking feeling I did have the cold. Which can be two things for me really. Bad and good news. Bad news because I wouldn't be able to see my friends and Henry and good news because I didn't have to go to school. 

     At the thought of Henry, I realized I haven't texted him so I got up and went back to my room to retrieve my phone. My mother would not be happy if she see me on my phone early in the morning, my mother always had a house rule of doing some chores and breakfast first before we touch any technology. I ran my fingers over the touch-screen keypad of iPhone and quickly texted my friends and Henry I wasn't going to be at school today or perhaps the next day after if my cold didn't quite agree with me. 

    Once finished, I went back to the kitchen and found a bowl filled with cereal set on the table for me. I sat myself down and ate my cereal in silence. I glanced around me, and noticed everyone was eating their breakfast. Normally, everyone would be buzzing around like a pair of bees. So I chose that moment to speak up, "Dad, mum, I'm not going to school today" I said, my voice came out as a croak.

   They frowned and shared a look. "And why's that young lady?" mum spoke first, recovering from their confusion.

    "Er, I think I'm sick. I have the common cold" I replied through a mouthful of cereal. My mouth was quite full I had to wipe any visible drool in my cheek.

    My mother stood up and walked over to me and I didn't have to guess what she was about to do, She placed a hand over my forehead and felt for my temperature. When she pulled back, she said to my dad "She's got a temperature," then to me, "Don't talk when your mouth's full" along with a look that says "don't argue with me."

   Instead of answering her, I nodded instead and continued to eat my cereal. Everything seemed to go in a blur then, my brothers' and sisters' went and got ready for school then it was my dad's turn to leave the house for work. Then it was just me and my mother. 

   "Alright then, I guess you'll have to go to the doctor's appointment today" Mum declared as she started getting ready for work. "Considering that you'll be eighteen soon, I guessed you won't need me anymore like you used to when you were young" she continued. 

    I sat there, chewing on my bottom lip. It had been quite a while since I'd been to the doctors and it wasn't the thought of going to the doctor scares me but it was the fact that my mother's tone held sadness laced along with it. So I decided not to say anything. 

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