twenty six :: Henry

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twenty six :: Henry

   I found Henry shooting hoops in the school gym. So far from the seventeen years of my life, seeing Henry half-naked was the hottest thing I've ever seen walking on this earth. Sure, he was sweating and all but it only added up with this one hundred o' meter scale factor. 

   I stood by the doorway, pretty content on watching his delicious back riffle. As if he was releasing the tension in his muscles. I felt a smile blossomed down on my face, the corners of my lips twitching. Okay, I knew I was being creepy and all but I couldn't help but smile at how lucky I'd been to have Henry in my life. He was truly my hero. 

   As if sensing someone was watching him, my hot boyfriend turned around and my breath hitched. I felt like the air got stuck in my throat, Henry Phillips was absolutely breath-taking. I bit my lip as my gaze met his blazing one, as if his eyes was daring me. To what exactly? I didn't even know myself. Careful not to break the connection, I slowly walked up to him. What was I doing? I was feeling quite bold and I could feel adrenaline pumping in my veins and I felt like I was high. Although, I didn't take any alcohol or drugs. 

    "Hey" I said, biting the inside of my lip harder to fight off the grin spreading before his eyes. 

    "Hi yourself" Henry replied, and I could tell he was fighting off a smile too. But then it escaped. The first thing that I noticed was his eyes crinkled just as the start of his lips growing into a huge smile so bright that I thought it was super mega-watts light bulb. If there was such a thing. 

   Everything came easily then. Henry's head came down, whilst my face came up. We we like electronic sync, moving at the same time. Our noses touched. Our lips met. It was the sweetest thing I'd ever had in a while. I could totally get addicted to my boyfriend's kisses, I probably wouldn't need a life-time supply of Cadbury chocolates for the rest of my life as long as I had Henry's sweet kisses. 

   After a few more stolen kisses, we managed to break away. Henry was about to speak when I raised a hand to silence him. I kissed his cheek in comfort before I took a deep, serene breath. Since we were in a relationship and had been together for quite a long time now, I wanted him to know that we should keep no secrets from each other. No matter how bad they were. That was why I was going to start with mine. And what had actually happened at the night of his party. 

   "Henry, I want you to know what happened during that night of your birthday" I whispered, and I felt his body stiffened. I had to continue because I knew if I didn't I wouldn't be able to get another chance. I would chicken out and there would be so much things that would be left and unsaid between us. And I didn't want that. I didn't want our relationship to be like the one I had with Dane. 

   "You don't have to talk about it, sweetheart" Henry said, his voice dry. I felt my eyes dampen. Henry was still calling me these cute and sweet endearments even if I didn't deserve it. I ignored the weep of my heart and urged myself to go on. 

    "I do. I do need to talk about it, though....." I trailed, and clenched my fingers into fists. He deserved the truth. So I continued, "During that night, I was looking for you. Well, me and Danika anyway. But I couldn't find you because it was too dark and there was too much people everywhere. The music was practically blasting through the walls and that was when he appeared before my eyes." 

   Henry reached out, and wrapped his muscular arms around me. I took comfort of his arms, and we stayed like that for a minute. I rested my head on his wonderful chest, and hugged him tight to me. As if I was afraid to let go of him. 

   "It was Dane. He was calling me with these sickening, disgusting names and he was literally making me nervous. So I asked him what he was doing here and there was something within me that says there was something odd about him. He smelled like alcohol stench and everything happened too quickly and I didn't know what to do. He grabbed hold of me and he pushed me inside in a room. I didn't know whose it was but it was so dark. Then he closed the door and turned the lights on. I thought for a second he was going to rape me but he just kept talking. He walked closer to me and said not to hide my legs from him. I couldn't move, let alone scream."

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