My Old Friends

355 22 16

(Pete's POV)

I was going to leave my hotel room today. It's not that I was tired of being in there and stalling my purpose for coming. I was fine with that. I could wait an entire month and still be happy. Procrastination was my solace. But Tyler was getting angsty being forced to stay in one area for too long. I swear the guy was one more day away from jumping off the walls and flying out the window.

So I told him we were going to go shopping for a few things today. Of course we both needed clothes to wear. We'd packed only a few outfits a piece with the intention of staying here just a day or two. Since it seemed this was going to be our home for a while, we might as well buy our own shampoos and soaps. The ones the hotel supplied smelled too clinical. They reminded me of hospitals.

I laughed to myself as I laid back on my bed. Not caring about the wet spot my just showered body was going to leave on the blanket.

I could hear Tyler singing his rendition of I can't help falling in love over the fall of water against the tub. This was the first time he's sung in the shower since we got here. He was just happy I was finally letting him leave the room. So happy that he didn't even realize I was still unprepared to go and find Patrick.

The shower stopped but Tyler's singing continued. The door separating the bathroom opened up. Filling the doorway with steam for a few seconds. When the air cleared, Tyler was standing there wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Identical to the way I was wearing mine. His sweet song came to an abrupt halt when he noticed me laying in the bed, staring.

"You were supposed to be getting ready while I was in the shower!" He rushed over to my bed. Yanking my suitcase from the floor and dropping it beside me. "Put something on."

"You were in the shower for like three minutes." I argued. "I didn't have time."

"Well do it now." He unzipped it and began sorting through my messy clothes."

"Hey." I jumped up to grab his wrist and stop him. "Focus on your clothes and I'll focus on mine."

"Mine are sorted." He motioned proudly towards his own bed. Where there was a outfit laid out perfectly. Shirt, jeans, boxers and even his socks.

"I hate you." I rolled my eyes. Grabbing a random shirt from my scarce assortment of clothes.

"Hate is just really angry love." Tyler sung the words. "Now get dressed." His hand reached out to slap my ass. I jumped in surprise. "Hustle! Hustle."

"Watch it!"

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Tyler raced down the aisle with his cart full of groceries. If you could call what he was buying groceries. The entire cart consisted of Red Bull, Oreos, a colorful assortment of chip bags and every cake Little Debbie had to offer. Oh and did I mention Red Bull? Because there was a lot of it.

"Peeeeete." Tyler whined my name from the end of the aisle.


"They don't have any Doritos."

"I think you have enough chips in there anyway." I rolled my eyes. It was like taking a child to the store.

"But Pete-"


I didn't need to turn around. I would recognize that voice in my grave. When you've known someone for as long as I've known that man, it's impossible to forget what their voice sounded like. Regardless of how long it's been since you last heard it. So I wasn't surprised when Ryan rushed to my side. Upset maybe, but not surprised.

"Hey, man." I tried to keep the situation as casual as possible.

"Holy shit, it is you." He reached out to touch my face. I backed away before his fingers could touch me. He blushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't hallucinating."

"You aren't." I shrugged. "I'm here."

"Where the hell have you been, man?"


"Canada?" He frowned. "What the hell is in Canada?"

"Better freedom and way better health care." Tyler answered as he walked up to us. His full cart being pulled behind him.

"Who's this?"

"I'm Tyler." He held his hand out towards Ryan.

"Right." Ryan frowned down at his hand. Tyler lowered it slowly. "Pete, what the hell is going on? Everyone thought you were dead! And then you show up in the courtroom just to disappear again. I've been worried sick. And instead of calling or coming to explain yourself, you decide to hide in town with your new Canadian boyfriend?"

"Ryan, it's not like that-"

"That's exactly what it's like." He shook his head in disappointment. Sparing an annoyed glance in Tyler's direction.

"I am not his boyfriend." Tyler said it as if it would be the most horrific thing in the world. I glared down at him. We were going to talk about that later. Not that I wanted him to be my boyfriend. I just wanted to know what would be so horrible about it?

"Sure you aren't." Ryan laughed obnoxiously. "You're just fucking him right? That's the Pete Wentz way."

Tyler's eyes widened. "I am not having sexual relations with him. We're here to find Patrick. That's it!"

"Patrick?" He repeated.

His mouth was smiling but his eyes were sad. I didn't like it. It made me feel guilty. Like I should have come back just to see him. And maybe I should have. Ryan had been my best friend since freshman year. He was always there when I needed him. Always ready to be what I needed him to be. A friend, a therapist, a cook, a lover. He deserved better from me.

"Look, Ryan, I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? Of course you'd miss Patrick more. You love him."

"I missed you too, Ryan." I grabbed his hand. "I love you too."

"But you didn't cross the border to see me, now did you?" He pulled his hand back. Not in an aggressive way, but it still hurt. Like he was pulling away from our friendship. "You came to see Patrick. And today is your lucky day. He's over in the coffee aisle with Brendon."

"Patrick is here?" Tyler asked excitedly. His brown eyes lit up as he looked down at me. "I finally get to meet the infamous Patrick Stump!"

"No." I grabbed his arm. "You don't."

"Why not?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, why not?" Tyler pouted.

"I-I'm just not ready." I pulled on his arm. "We need to go."

"Hey, but I need to check out" He glanced back at his cart.

"Fine." I let him go. "Check out. I'm going to wait in the car."

"You drove from Canada?" Ryan lifted an eyebrow. "So unlike you."

"It's a rental." I held up the keys to show him. "You!" I pointed a finger at Tyler. "Go to the check out counter and then leave. Do not go searching for Patrick."

"Fine." He grumbled.

"Ryan." I pointed at him next.


"We're staying at the Dun Dynasty Hotel. Room 112." A confused look took over his face. "I did miss you. So maybe you can come hangout."

"Maybe." He smiled. It reached his eyes this time.

"Cool." I smiled back. "I have to go. Tyler, hurry the hell up."

"Language, Pete."

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