Car Crashed Hearts

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(Patrick's POV)

My shower would have been ten times better with Pete. 

That's the thought that kept swirling through my head as I rubbed the body wash onto my chest. We could have had amazing shower sex. I could have washed his hair and his back. It could have all been completely domestic.

Instead he decided to go back to that hotel with that fake doctor all because they had a little disagreement. And it was fine. I was totally cool with it. So my boyfriend was locked up in a hotel with a guy he fucked. So what? It was no big deal.

Except for the fact that it was a big deal! Because Pete didn't tell me about fucking Tyler. If I hadn't used the bathroom in that bar, I wouldn't even know. The same way he didn't know that I fucked Brendon again. God, we were so fucked.

No pun intended.

The vibration of my phone was a welcomed distraction from the unwanted reality of our relationship. I let my fingers run under the flow of water. Ridding them of the Olay scented suds. I didn't bother drying my hands before stepping out for the phone. It was probably Pete calling to tell me he was on his way. Asking if I wanted him to stop for something to eat.

I was slightly disappointed at seeing Elisa's name instead. It took a few tries for my wet fingertip to slid across the screen properly.


"Patrick. Hi!"

"Hi." So this was a random social call. I could live with that.

"What's up? What's going on?"

"I was just in the shower?"


"Of course" I laughed. Leaning on the edge of the sink.

"Lucky shower." She teased. When I didn't respond with a similar joke, she continued. "Patrick, I can't stop thinking about that kiss."

I'd already forgotten it. "Elisa-"

"I know I'm the one that stopped you-"

"And I'm glad you did."

"But that was be- what?" She sounded hurt. I picked a great time to reactivate my conscious.

"It would have been wrong. It would have been disrespectful to both you and Pete. It was disrespectful."


"Pete doesn't deserve to be cheated on. And you don't deserve to be used like that. You're a wonderful person, Elisa. I've hurt you enough already."

"I'm fine with it." Elisa wasn't trying to hide the desperation.

"You're not." I knew she couldn't see me but that didn't stop me from shaking my head. "You just think you are because you think you won't love anyone after me."

"I won't."

"You will. You're young and beautiful. You've got so much life ahead of you."

"No one wants a single mom." I almost didn't hear her.

"We'll co-parent." I blurted out, because what the hell else could I have said to make her feel better? It was her fault this was happening. She orchestrated this pregnancy against our agreement. I still don't know if I want to be a father. But that didn't mean she should go through this alone. "Pete and I will babysit while you're fighting off the men with a stick." She sniffed. I couldn't tell if it was laughter or cries." From what I knew of pregnant women, it could be both. "You're amazing. I'm a piece of shit. But I'm trying."

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