Headaches and Bad Luck

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(Patrick's POV)

I watched my fourth patient of the day walk out of my office. I waited until I heard the click of the door shutting before I laid my head down on the desk. I was fucking exhausted and it was only 12:00. At least tomorrow was Friday and I'd have two days to regroup before becoming completely exhausted again. Damn, I loved my job.

I reached into the drawer for my phone. Deciding that I was going to take off for lunch a little bit earlier today. I was the boss after all and Brendon wouldn't mind. I dailed Pete's number and waited through the rings.


"Hey, do you want to get lunch with me?"



"Sure. I'll be there soon. Give me about five minutes."

"Okay." I smiled into the phone at the thought of getting to see Pete in the middle of the work day. That should give me the strength to get through the rest of my appointments. "See you soon."


I placed the phone back in my desk. Standing up to rush to the front before Brendon could send another patient to the back. When I walked up he was leaned over the front desk. His face was being hidden by the laptop but I could see his phone sitting in his lap. I tried to walk as quietly as possible towards him.

"Working hard?" I slapped my hand down on the desk.

"Shit!" Brendon jumped. His phone falling off his lap and onto the floor. "If that's cracked you have to buy me a new one."

"I'm not buying you anything. You sholdn't be on your phone during work hours."

"I'm still working." He motioned towards the open laptop. When I tried to glance at the screen, he turned it. What the hell did he do up there all day? "I was just about to send Mr. Ken back there."

"Hold off on that." I held up one hand. "I'm about to take my lunch."

He looked down at his watch. "Now?"

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

"No." He stood up. "I needed a break. And a burger. Where are we going?"

"Actually, I'm waiting on Pete."

"Oh okay." Brendon sat back down. He looked over my shoulder at the people a few feet away in the waiting room. "Did you ever get around to calling Elisa?"

"No. I forgot."

"Because you swore to call her before the week was up."

I rolled my eyes. Sensing the argument Brendon was trying to start. "It's only Thursday. I still have time"

"No." He pursed his lips. Shaking his head. Annoying me. "I think time is something you've run out of with Elisa."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He didn't say anything else. Just pointed to something behind me. I turned around to see what caught his attention. "Crap."

Elisa pushed open the door. Her eyes scanned the waiting room area before landing on us at the front desk. It was the first time I'd seen her in what felt like years. But in reality it'd only been a couple of months. She was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt. Showing more cleavage than I was used to her showing. I almost wanted to walk over and zip up the gray hoodie she was wearing. But the way she dressed wasn't my business anymore.

The biggest changes were to her hair and her body of course. Her usually long, curly hair was now straightened and cut directly above her shoulders. It took away from the innocent look that had drawn me to her when we first met. Her stomach sat up round and proud. It was bigger than I'd expected it to be. She shouldn't be any more than five months. Maybe less if my math was correct.

"Patrick." Her arms crossed over her chest. Resting on her enlarged belly. "Long time, no see."

"Elisa. You look nice."

"Can we talk?" So I wasn't going to get a thank you then. "Privately."

"You're huge." Brendon gasped. "How deep into this baby business are you?"

"I'll be five months on Monday."

So I was right. "And is everything going okay?"

"Now you care?" She glared at me. Lifting her glasses with her finger.

A few of the waiting people were looking over at us now. I smiled back at them. Trying to keep my professional composure. "Can we talk about this later?" I whispered.

"Later means never with you." She didn't bother lowering her voice to match mine.

"So you've come to make a scene then?"

"No I didn't come to make a scene, Patrick. I came to talk to you. You haven't spoken to me in months."

"I've been dealing with some things-"

"No. I have been dealing with some things. Things we're supposed to deal with together. I am stressed. I'm gaining too much weight. My hair is falling out and I haven't had a full night of sleep in weeks. So don't you tell me you're dealing with things, Patrick Stump."

"You're not the only one having a difficult time, Elisa. My fiance almost died, courtesy of you. I was locked up. I lost my fucking mind. I was seeing a shrink who was making me lose my mind even more. I couldn't look in the mirror for months. I forgot what my own fucking face looked like-"

"Oh boo-hoo. I was cheated on and divorced while pregnant!"

"This is why I didn't want to speak to you. I just knew it would end up like this."

"Like what?"

"With you making me want to stick needles in my eyes."

"Maybe you guys should talk in the office." Brendon suggested.

"No." I shook my head. "I'm leaving for lunch."

"I thought Pete was meeting you here."

"Pete?" My ex-wife repeated. "You're with Pete again?"

"Does that matter?" Fucking Brendon.

"Well yes! You've been ignoring me for months because you've been going through things. But you're able to find time to have lunch with Pete?!"

"Speaking of the devil." Brendon nodded towards the entrance. I couldn't help but notice the glint of entertainment in his eyes. It made me hate him a little.

Both Elisa and I followed his gaze. Pete walked in smiling. Looking great as usual. Tyler was just a second behind him. Adding the perfect amount of bullshit to this already tedious situation. He stilled half way through the waiting room. Causing Tyler to bump into him from the sudden stop. Pete hid his mouth to whisper something to his friend.

"He's having a baby?!" Tyler exclaimed . Catching the attention of the entire waiting room.

Fucking great! Now everyone knew. I didn't even want to know what my patients must be thinking.

"Okay." Brendon rose from his chair. "That's it. Everyone, lets take this to the office now."

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