Cross My Heart and Hope To Die

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(Patricks POV)

"It's good to have you back, Dr. Stump." Lily smiled at me from across the desk.

She was one of the first patients I treated when I opened this place. Despite the cancer in her cervix, she was always so positive and cheerful. Her bright smile was the perfect way to start my day back.

"It feels good to be back." I smiled as I signed what was going to be her last prescription from us. "It feels good to be signing this."

"Oh, honey, don't I know it." The southern charm practically oozed off of her when she spoke. "I can't believe this is finally over."

"I can. You're a fighter, Lily."

"And you're a great doctor, Dr. Stump."

I slid her prescription write off towards her. She nodded her appreciation as she slipped It into her bag. She stood up. Leaning over my desk with open arms. Instead of stretching the awkward distance, I walked around the desk. Pulling the small woman into a tight hug.

There was a swift, hard knock at my door. Brendon, I guessed just a second before it clicked open. Lily and I stepped away from each other. He looked like he wanted to question it. Brendon wanted to question everything. But then he literally shook the thought from his head.

"Sorry to interrupt, Dr. Stump. But there's a bit of an emergency."

"I'll get going." Lily didn't hesitate to walk out of the room.

"Don't forget your appointment next month!" I reminded her.

She waved to indicate that she heard me. Brendon stepped into the room to avoid blocking her access to the door. He closed it when she walked out.

"Really? Lily?"

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. Walking back to my side of the desk.

"You know she's a lesbian, right?"

"Brendon, I don't care." I plopped down in the seat.

"You dog." His eyebrows wiggled suggestively.

I laughed. "Why exactly are you here?"

"Oh yeah." All signs of humor left his face. My back stiffened nervously in my chair. "Don't get pissed."

"Tell me."

"Elisa is here."

"Okay?" I almost laughed. "You said she's been here at least 20 times since I was gone. Just tell her whatever it is you usually tell her."

"I-I can't do that." His hand tapped the side of his thigh. "She may have accidentally heard me telling a patient that you were back."

"Brendon!" I jumped from my seat.

"And I tried to convince her that she'd misheard. But she wasn't hearing it." His voice lowered. "She won't leave."

"I'm not ready to see her."

"I know! I know!"

"So get rid of her."

"I can't!" Brendon slumped into the empty chair dramatically.

"Why the hell not?"

"Because she's not leaving! She knows you're here and she will sit there until closing. She's determined, Patrick. She hasn't seen you in months. She's pregnant with your baby and she-"

"I know that!" I cut him off. I didn't need to hear the rest of what he said to know he was right. "Don't you think I know that? I'm just not ready now!"

"Will you ever be ready?"

My eyes narrowed accusingly. What was he getting at? Because with each passing second he seemed to be less and less on my side. I didn't like the thought of my best friend thinking like that.

"Of course I will." Maybe. "I'm just not ready now. There's too much going on with the whole Pete coming back thing and I'm stressed."

"When do you think you'll be ready to talk to her about it?"

"Why are you badgering me about this?!" I snapped. Loud enough for everyone in the lobby to hear. Loud enough for Elisa to hear. My lips pressed tightly together in a weak attempt to calm myself. "I just need time."

"It's okay if you're not ready." Brendon rose from the chair slowly, cautiously. He looked unsure of each step he took towards me. "I know you, Pat. This isn't what you want. You've never really wanted kids. You know that. I know that. Elisa knew that." His hands came down on my tensed shoulders. Guiding me gently into my seat. "It's not fair what she did. It's not fair that she lied about her birth control. It's not fair that she decided to have this baby when you both agreed not to. But it happened. And now there's a child in the mix. One who's going to want to know his awesome dad."

"I hate you." He was right. Of course he was right. Maybe I wasn't a part of the plan to have this baby, but now it was here. And I needed to man up.

"You love me." He sung the words.

Using the tips of his fingers, he pulled my head back. Resting it on the uncomfortable back of the chair. My eyes stared directly into his. His face was closer than I'd expected it to be. And the angle that my head was tilted at made him look creepier.

"You look like a maniac."

"You look relaxed."

"I am." I admitted. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

He leaned down in what I assumed was an attempt to kiss my cheek. His lips brushed the side of my mouth. My breathing hitched at the unexpected contact. Brendon had a nice mouth. A mouth that I hadn't touched in months. That I didn't plan on touching ever again. But I did. He did. And I didn't understand why.


"I'm going to tell Elisa that you promise to call her within the week if she leaves." He stepped around the desk. Towards the door.


"You will, right?"

"Yeah." He raised an unbelieving eyebrow. I sighed. "I swear."

"Cross your heart?" It was said for childish measure. I could tell by the playful glint in his eyes.

"Hope to die." I held up my right hand.

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