Butterfly Bandage But Don't Worry

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(Patrick's POV)

The menu at this place was so bland. I read over their lunch selection for a third time. Hoping something that at least sounded good would jump off the page and grab my attention. But it didn't. I would have rather gone to my favorite diner. Or even McDonald's. Anywhere but this distasteful, ridiculously over priced place. I used to eat at places like this all the time. In fact, I think I ate at this very restaurant a few times for dinner. But that was forever ago. And I only did it because I could afford it.

After being with Pete, that show off feeling was gone. I was successful in my field but these expensive places no longer appealed to my taste buds. I got used to eating at simpler places because that's what Pete enjoyed. I grew to enjoy it to. And now I preferred it. I'd kill for a pizza over a toasted yeast bun with whipped mushroom cream and harvested nuts. What the fuck even was that?

I should have chosen the restaurant. But I didn't. I let Eliza choose. She was the pregnant one and she should eat whatever she wanted to. That's how that cravings shit worked, right? I had no idea. I never wanted to deal with things like that.

"I'm sorry." She was saying for the tenth time since we sat down.

"What's done in done." I mumbled only half listening. My attention still on the menu.

"Do you want to see some pictures?"

"Pictures?" I looked over the menu at her. My eyebrow lifted in mild curiosity.

"Of our- of the baby."

She looked so worried just to ask me. I couldn't say no. "Sure."

My niceness was rewarded with one of her prize winning smiles. That smile was one of the reasons I fell in love with her. She placed her pocketbook on the table. Digging through it with both hands before coming up with the folded paper.

"This is it!" She was more excited than I'd ever be about some ultrasound pictures. "There's five of them!"

"I can see that." The long sheet of paper unfolded in front of me.

"I wanted the gender to be a secret. I'm far enough along to know but I don't want to. Not yet."

I tried not to look as unimpressed as I felt. Elisa was ecstatic enough for the both of us anyway. I'd never seen her look so happy about something. She was glowing. There was a natural lightness in her skin. She never looked more at peace. She never looked more beautiful. Not even on the day I married her.

"I hope it looks like you." I blurted out without the permission of my brain.

She blinked in surprise. Hell, I was surprised I said it. "I hope it looks like you." She disagreed. A shy smile playing at her mouth.

"I'm serious. You're gorgeous, Elisa. You always have been."

"What happened to us?" Her smiled saddened.

I focused on refolding the paper. No longer wanting to see the smile.
"Some things just aren't meant to be."

"And you and Pete are?" She challenged.

"Excuse me?" I looked up. Meeting her determined eyes.

"I know you're not okay. A wife can tell." Her gaze didn't waver.

"You're not my wife anymore." The menu was in my hands again. Serving as a barrier between us.

"I'll always be your wife in my eyes."


"I know you love Pete. I knew it the moment I saw you two in your office for the first time." She knew before I did. "But he's not your forever. And I think you know that. And just because he's tattooed on your chest, doesn't mean he's tattooed in it."

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