Chapter 7

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*Andrew Pov*

"Come again!" I said, stepping back immediately.

"What?" she asked, frowning at me.

"What did you just said?" I asked just staring at her.

"I said what! What else did I say?" she asked back standing up from the stool.

"You said something about you wishing your Dad's men didn't catch you before you reached the place your Simon chose." I repeated to which she gave me a stupid expression.

"So? Is it banned even to think about my boyfriend now? How more mean could you be? I mean... I mean this is too much." She started her rant pacing in the small place while I just stared at her.

"Yes! I wish I reached the place Simon asked me before I was caught." She added stopping before me placing her hands on her hips.

"But... what you said was..." she didn't let me finish before taking away the plate from me and throwing it on the ground.

"Do you know how much it hurts to think about a sad thing again and again? You took away my right to cry, but you are making me to." She said and literally started wailing when I took the plates from the floor.

She seems to be too confident since she is in the wrong at present situation. Did I hear it wrong in the beginning?

But I was never wrong regarding what I heard anytime. Then did she explained wrongly on the first day with all the effects?

Great! I will fall into a huge web if I continue to question on every way. I stared at her who is still trying to pace and also wail at the same time.

I turned and started walking outside thinking how can a girl do such multitasks like that. She is pacing and crying and talking and also scolding me.

What is this life of mine? My mission is postponed with me deciding to kill that victor because a girl is living with me.

That's why I never liked having roommates when I was in orphan maybe. Anyone would feel lucky of course, but I am also sure they never came across this girl.

What is she, she too doesn't know, but knows to make some bombs with her emotions and attack everyone. Until when can I survive? I thought sighing.

"Here! I will clean them. You cooked for me, right." I heard a sweet voice making me turn my head with open mouth.

"What happened? Move!" she said, shaking her head and started cleaning them adjusting herself beside me while I just stared at her.

"One day I am going to know you." I whispered and felt her stilling beside me.

"What?" she asked, turning to face me.

"Yeah! One day I will know how and why your mood changes." I replied, shrugging and she immediately gave a grin.

"Oh! Sure, sure! All the best." She said, still with that creepy grin before turning back towards the plates.

"So, what is for lunch?" she asked, placing the plates aside.

"You always think about only food?" I asked, looking her from up and down.

"What else can I think? I am getting only those thoughts if I shouldn't think about Simon." She replied sighing.

"Fine, fine! I still have boiled vegetables." I said, shrugging and she just stared at me.

"I am going to die before eating them. Go and catch some fish." She said with pleading eyes and even joined her hands.

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