Chapter 20

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*Andrew Pov*

"So, everyone is over?" I asked after a few hours breaking the silence.

"Yes!" she calmly replied.

"Good! I don't want any deceiving when I take in charge." I said and turned to stare at her only to see her flinching by my words before she moved away from me.

This is also good! I thought, nodding to myself. Let her feel how I think about all this deceiving. Then maybe this pain will go away.

She could have stopped all of that if what she wanted was the mission. She could have stopped the kisses and many things, but she didn't with the aim just to finish the mission.

Now, saying that she loves me and that too for the past eight years. Maybe she thought she did, but I know no one can feel like that.

"Thank you!" I hear her whisper, making me turn to see she is opening the door and then I realized we reached the base.

"Lily!" we both heard a shocked tone and saw Kevin rushing near to us before he hugged her tightly.

"Where is Victor?" I asked, feeling irritated when he still didn't release her.

"In his room!" he replied and moved back smiling at Lily.

"I need to talk to him." She said and he stared at her with shock.

"Come on!" he mumbled and they both started walking while I followed them.

"Dad!" she whispered the moment we all walked inside while Victor stood up with shock covering his face.

"Lily!" he mumbled while she rushed near to him and hugged him before crying in his arms.

"I am so sorry, Dad!" she whispered and cried more while Victor recovering from shock held her and brushed his tears away.

"What happened?" Kevin asked in a whisper, turning towards me with shock covering his face.

Why is everyone so shocked? She is hugging her Dad, right? Then what is wrong with that? I thought, shaking my head.

"I am really sorry, Dad." She mumbled stepping back.

"Why, Lily?" he asked frowning.

"All these years I showed my anger towards you just for the sake of my obsession over him. I am really a bad daughter." She replied, covering her face.

"No! You were just like any other child, Lily. You were just hurt and I can understand even though it was in huge quantities." Victor said smiling at her and removed her hands.

"How stupid can I be, Dad? Just for some obsession sake?" she asked, brushing her tears away while Victor frowned at her along with Kevin.

"Time out! What is with this obsession?" we heard a new voice and I turned to see Sam sitting on the couch whom I didn't see until now.

"Actually, what I had for Andrew all these years was nothing but an obsession and not love. I should thank him for opening my eyes." She replied and turned to stare at me along with her three pairs turned towards me.

"Obsession?" Sam asked with an eyebrow raised while Kevin's jaw just stayed dropped while Victor shook his head.

"Now, I need to know why did she hate him all these years?" I asked feeling irritated with their looks.

"Actually..." Victor started saying, but I shook my head stopping him.

"From this moment I want all the answers from her." I said folding my arms.

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