Chapter 13

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*Lily Pov*

"What happened? Why are you so lost from the past few days?" Andrew asked, frowning at me while buttoning his shirt.

"Nothing!" I simply replied, still staring at him without looking away.

"What do you mean by nothing? Is it about someone around us? I am not completely sure about it. So, don't worry." He said in an assuring tone before walking near to me.

I sighed to which he bent and pressed his lips to mine stealing a long kiss before moving back from the bed.

"I said right? It's nothing!" I said, feeling irritated for making me lose the concentration of staring at him and for his evergreen kisses.

"I thought you would feel happy for coming here." He mumbled with confusion clear in his voice.

"Well, you don't know me." I said, shrugging and sat up this time staring at the door.

"And why are you asking me all this when you never reply if I ask the same question?" I added folding my arms.

"Ok! I am just asking and by the way I do know you." He mumbled making me roll my eyes.

"Only the person who will love me can know me which is none. So, I am safe." I shrugged before lying on the bed and closed my eyes.

"What?" I heard his bark, but I ignored it before trying to detach him from my head.

"You know what? We are going to have a long talk when I return from this damage that happened on the shore to the boat. And you are going to tell me the truth and only truth." He said in a warning tone before leaving the caravan while I shook my head and drifted off into my thoughts.

"Lily?" I heard Kevin's voice.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning on my back and opened my eyes.

"Did he leave?" he asked and I glanced at the door before informing it to him.

"So, everything is finalized right? I want it to be finished today itself." I said sitting up.

"Yeah! We are waiting for your signal. Everything is in its place." He replied.

"Fine! Get ready then." I said, taking his pillow from the bed and hugged it.

"Lily! Are you sure about this?" Kevin asked hesitatingly.

"What is your problem, Kevin? You are the one who was behind me to finish the mission off and now you are saying this?" I shouted to which he sighed.

"You know we need not go through this and leave the mission and so many things here itself, right?" he asked while I fisted my hands.

"And what will you do about my dad? You know how he is and what will he do if I do that." I replied, pressing my face to the pillow inhaling the scent.

"Fine! We will go with our plan and everything. So, I will inform everyone to get ready so that it will finish in a little time." He said and went off line.

How I wish I can do all that you said, Kevin? I really wish, but the ball is already in the court and nothing can be done to take it back.

*Andrew Pov*

How dare she? I asked myself still feeling the anger hearing her words in the caravan.

She has been lying again and again for each thing that I don't know what is even little true anymore.

And these lies are not just for one thing, but many things. However, I still feel this crazy about her.

Maybe my exhalation made my head go wrong and everything else to make me feel in this way about her even after all this.

"Damn it!" I mumbled kicking the boat before sighing.

I can't get any work done with this anger! I thought, rubbing my forehead before settling down again to repair the boat.

If it doesn't get repaired then I can't bring any fish for her tomorrow. With this thought I started doing, but stilled realizing what I thought.

When did everything I do becomes related to her? And that too within just less than two months.

I shook my head and continued the work thinking about her and her words and my feelings and a lot of guesses for her lies.

In the end, I finished everything and stood up before checking whether it is starting or not and sighed in relief when it did.

I smiled at my work and looked up to see something on the ocean. I narrowed my eyes when it felt like the object is coming near.

And then I felt something pushing me backwards, making me stagger back with a force. I coughed and saw that it is a ship.

I frowned, feeling something wet on my shirt and looked down only to stagger back again seeing the shirt becoming red.

That is when I felt the pain searing near my chest and before I know I am falling back on the ground with a little groaning and hanging in the center of the pit of darkness.

And then my eyes started closing with a force which felt like they will not open again.

*Victor Pov*

"It is going to happen today." I said grinning at the person sitting before me.

"Really? Are you sure?" he asked frowning.

"Who do you think went for the mission? My daughter." I replied smirking.

"Yeah! And there was no progress even though two months will finish soon. So, how can it be true now?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

"They asked for the equipment and for travelling back and all necessary to finish off this. Which I send and must have reached that place today early morning itself." I replied to which he slowly nodded.

"Sam! My Daughter said she will finish it today and she will." I added confidently.

"I know, Sir! But we are talking about Andrew here." Sam pointed out.

"I don't know why you guys are so scared about him." I said, shaking my head and then heard the phone ringing.

"It must be the good news." I mumbled, staring at the phone.

"Or the bad news that she failed." Sam mumbled, making me glare at him.

"No! It is going to be with a message that it is indeed over." I said stubbornly before lifting the phone with a grin, which I never gave before mainly while lifting a phone call.

"Tell me the good news." I ordered and waited for the words to drop in my ear.

"What?" I screamed hearing the words and staggered back before falling on the chair.


hey guys! i know small one but it is a hanger over and also update of yesterday... will try to update tomorrow...

how is it?

comment plz and vote...

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