Chapter 18

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*Andrew Pov*

"What?" I barked when I saw this guy again before me.

"Sir..." he stuttered making me sigh and get up from the chair near the pool.

"Sir! That..." while he was busy in his ever going stuttering I tried to reach my room in this big building.

I should read a book which actually gives a numerous steps to get adjusted to a bigger building on our own when we were living in a small hut until then.

"What is it, Dan?" I asked finally fed up with his words which didn't stop for the past two weeks.

"He needs to show you around, Sir." I heard another voice and turned to see Kevin walking near to us glaring at Dan.

"I am not feeling to do it. Now, I would like to rest if you both leave." I ordered and turned to leave but stopped when I got a glance of his look.

"What?" I asked, frowning.

"She said we are very lucky to have a leader like you. Now, when we all have the doubts regarding that word, she is nowhere to find." He replied stepping back.

"Forgive me for stepping out of line. Don't worry regarding my punishment because she will give me one when she returns, though." He added nodding at me and turned away.

Before I could say anything or react, he again added, "If she will ever."

"Show me the place around." I ordered, turning towards Dan, who is still looking at the empty place where Kevin stood a few minutes back.

"Sir! This is your team's place." Dan said proudly when we finally reached the camp near to my building as he took me from the beginning point of the place to here instead of starting from here.

"Okay!" I said, sighing and he fell silent.

"Only okay, Sir? Lily worked too hard for all this." He mumbled when I turned to look at him.

Lily! Lily! Lily! Don't they have anything else to say? I thought and immediately chuckled to myself.

Of course! This is her place not mine and it is better if I go to my place wherever it is. I will decide after leaving from here and this time I need not draw any money to ensure that no one knows my hideout.

With that decided, I as usual ordered Dan to take me near Victor. No matter what, whether I believe his story or not, it is better if I leave after telling him.

"Good thing that you are here." Victor said the moment I entered his office.

"Look, I know you all will again say I was away for my safety but I don't believe it. Eight years of my life passed away either believing truth if you all are wrong or false if you all are right. Now, I want to leave and also not have a connection with any of you." I said, walking near to the couch in his room and sat down.

"What is this? You just came and already deciding to leave? Don't you have any duty towards your country and job?" I heard a stern voice but frowned when I know that it is not victor's.

"Sam?" I mumbled in a shock tone when I glanced at the door.

"Didn't I tell you that he will remember me?" Sam asked, smirking at Victor and walked inside.

"By the way you made me lose the bet." He added, settling himself in the chair before me.

"Bet?" I asked him, frowning still coming to the terms that I am meeting my colleague after a long time.

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